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Sunday, February 26, 2012

State Charity Raffle Update #4

A message from the State Raffle Director, Richard Armanini!  Any questions or comments should be forwarded to Richard at REArmani@cox.net or telephone 480.706.9314 


This message was sent to all State Officers, District Deputies, and Insurance Agents.  In addition, it was sent to the Grand Knights, Deputy Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries, and Raffle.  If you are not the Raffle Chairman this year, please send a message to REArmani@cox.net and indicate the new chair and his e-mail for 2012.   


Questions regarding record keeping:


Do we need to record the ticket numbers that we give each Knight?  No, that is not necessary.  Just record the amount of money each seller returns and check that it matches the ticket stubs.  Hint: Some Raffle Chairman record the number of books given to each seller and the dollar amount they return.  That is an easy way to identify top sellers  


Why did you say seller instead of Brother Knights?  Some councils recruit other people to help sell tickets like members of the charity they name to receive the proceeds of the raffle.  Hint:  Ask that group to assign someone to keep the sales records and report the final number.


What is an easy way to keep records?  Have your Financial Secretary provide you with a spreadsheet of all members or a printed alpha list of members to record the numbers manually.  Hint:  It will help to have member’s telephone number and e-mail address on the list.


Our Financial Secretary keeps manual records on ledger cards and asking him for a list of members is a lot of work for him.  Send me an e-mail and request a list of your active members.  We will provide you a list from the Supreme database for your council.  Be sure to identify the council in your request.  Hint: Copy [CC:] your Financial Secretary and Grand Knight and we will send them the list at the same time.


I do not use e-mail, so what do I do?  Ask a member of your council who does use e-mail to help you.  Hint:  Do not tell him, but he is automatically a member of your Raffle Committee.


Why do we need to keep any kind of records?  Isn’t the total dollars all that is necessary?  That is two questions however, we will ask you for a list of Knights that sell over $1,000 and the number of $100 sells your councils made.  Hint: Make sure your members know about the two contests.  We will give each member that sells $1,000 a K of C Hat identifying them as a $1,000 seller.  Knights who sell $2,000 will receive a K of C hat and shirt, and $3,000 sellers will receive a K of C hat, shirt and jacket.


Please send e-mail when you have a question, concerns, or need more information.  E-mail REArmani@cox.net 


Vivat Jesus


Richard Armanini

State Charity Raffle Director

3315 E Dry Creek Road

Phoenix, AZ  85044-7022

Telephone:  480.706.9314

Cell phone:  480.639.0590 [new]


"Leadership is action, not a position"

P Please consider the environment before printing this email.


Monday, February 13, 2012

State Charity Raffle Update #3

A message from the State Raffle Director, Richard Armanini!  Any questions or comments should be forwarded to Richard at REArmani@cox.net or telephone 480.706.9314 


This message was sent to all State Officers, District Deputies, and Insurance Agents.  In addition, it was sent to the Grand Knights, Deputy Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries, and Raffle Chairmen.   


At this time, all councils should have a supply of raffle tickets and hard copy of the Sales Guide, English Posters and Spanish Posters [if they need them].  All posters are distributed so if you need more, you will need to download and print them from the web site.  Electronic version of materials is posted on the State Web Site.  The link is http://www.azknightsofcolumbus.com/stateraffle.htm


By now:


  1. Councils should have a raffle chair to lead the local sales campaign, provide information to council members, and put announcements in newsletter and/or church bulletins. 


  1. Councils should have named a charity which helps sell tickets.  It takes just as long to decide the charity in January as it will next summer after the 2012 raffle has ended.


  1. Councils should have set a goal to help challenge members to sell tickets.


Please send e-mail when you have a question, concerns, or need more information.  E-mail REArmani@cox.net 


Vivat Jesus


Richard Armanini

State Charity Raffle Director

3315 E Dry Creek Road

Phoenix, AZ  85044-7022

Telephone:  480.706.9314

Cell phone:  480.639.0590 [new]


"Leadership is action, not a position"

P Please consider the environment before printing this email.


Friday, February 10, 2012

KOCOA February 2012



 Click here for PDF.

 Feel free to forward this State Newsletter to your Councils and Assemblies.

Vivat Jesus!
Rick Garrison
Knights of Columbus
State Executive Secretary

Monday, February 06, 2012

State Charity Raffle Update #2

A message from the State Raffle Director, Richard Armanini!  Any questions or comments should be forwarded to Richard at REArmani@cox.net or telephone 480.706.9314 


This message was sent to all State Officers, District Deputies, and Insurance Agents.  In addition, it was sent to the Grand Knights, Deputy Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries, and Raffle Chairs.   Note: Grand Knights will receive two copies of this message if you have not appointed a chairman. 


The Weekly Update goes to GK, DGK, Fin Sec, and Raffle Chairman for a couple reasons.  The Raffle Chairman is still responsible for the raffle in the councils.  The others receive the information so they know more about the program and so they can support him.  In some cases, the GK does not have electronic mail, his computer is down, or he is on the road and out of contact, then others in the council will know about the program.


A good way to announce and distribute Charity Raffle tickets to all active members is to mail them a one-page letter and tickets.  A letter and two books of Charity Raffle tickets need a 45¢ stamp.  If you mail three books of tickets, each envelope requires 65¢ postage.  Some councils find the extra postage pays dividends. 


Attached also is a template of a letter to council members.  The letter is set up as a merge mail document, signed electronically, and mailed in a window envelope. Use this as a template for your letter or make up and use your own letter.  Use an envelope with a window on bottom left, #10 (4 1/8" x 9 1/2") to eliminate using labels.


At a Council 10062 raffle meeting a Brother Knight suggested that they add tips for selling tickets to the back of the letter.  Two lists of tips were developed.  One was a short list and the other longer.  Pick one or make up your own list to send with your letters.  If you already distributed tickets, use the tips in a newsletter, e-mail to members, or distribute at your next council meeting.  Consider doing all three.


Send us a copy of your letter and tips so we can share new ideas with councils in the future.


You will find more raffle information on the State Web Site: http://www.azknightsofcolumbus.com/stateraffle.htm


[Hold the Ctrl key and click on the link, copy and paste the link in your browser,  or go to the State Web Site and click on the raffle ticket in the left panel.] 


Please send e-mail if you have a question, concerns, or need more information.  E-mail REArmani@cox.net


Vivat Jesus


Richard Armanini

State Charity Raffle Director

3315 E Dry Creek Road

Phoenix, AZ  85044-7022

Telephone:  480.706.9314

Cell phone:  480.639.0590 [new]


"Leadership is action, not a position"

P Please consider the environment before printing this email.