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The 2017-2018 Arizona State Advocate is Luigi Baratta.

Worthy District Deputies, Worthy Grand Knights and Brothers all,

July 1st will be the start of the new Diocesan fiscal year for all the Catholic Dioceses in Arizona. This also means it is time to complete your “Safe Environment” training, and if you have already taken the training in previous years you will only need to renew.  If you have Brothers that can not complete or do not have the means to online training, the dioceses still have classes that our Brothers can attend. Please visit the website below to find more information.  Our Worthy Supreme Knight Carl Anderson stated, “It is our duty and obligations that ALL Knights of Columbus members are required to meet their local Diocesan Safe Environmental Training policies and to ensure the protection of our youth and elderly!”

         The Diocese of Phoenix Safe Environment Office has a new online at:
            http. www.safeenvironmenttraining.org/obligations.php 

         The Diocese of Tucson’s training called “Safe environment” can be found at:
            http: www.diocesetucson.setanet.org/obligations.php

         The Diocese of Gallup’s Save Environment information can be found at:
            http: www.dioceseofgallup.org

The Board of Directors of the Knights of Columbus decided to continue a stronger commitment in youth protection by designating the following official positions in Knights of Columbus to receive mandatory Praesidiuim Armatus online safe environment training: State Deputies, State Advocates, State Youth Directors, Grand Knights, Youth Directors, Chief Counselors and Faithful Navigators.  To complete your Armatus online training please log on to “Officer Desktop” on the Supreme website and follow the instructions.  Please understand you are still required to meet your diocesan requirements.  

As a part of the leadership team of the Arizona Knights of Columbus, we need to set the example to our Brother Knights. Please complete your renewal by July 30, 2017.  Our Worthy Financial Secretaries should create and maintain a current list of members who are active volunteers in the council, both in church ministries and activities sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, and then have a current list of all members who have completed diocesan safe environment requirements. They should be prepared to share these lists with the diocesan safe environment coordinator upon requests.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Luigi Baratta
State Advocate
Arizona State Council
(602) 326-8511


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