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Worthy Grand Knights,

We have just completed our State Convention.  Congratulations to the many councils, districts and individual members that received membership recruitment awards at the convention.  Yesterday many Brother Knights had the honor of participating in Memorial Day events throughout Arizona.  We are now in the final week of May, and while we have grown Arizona Membership in the Order this month, we still have work to do to reach the goals set for us by the Supreme Knight.

I want to thank you and your councils for the hard work you have been putting into recruiting new members to the Order. We had the best April in the last 5 years, and still have time to have a strong finish in May.  We have already added 85 additional members in May, bringing us to 824 new Brother Knights so far this year.  We still need 126 additional members before the end of June, so we still have work to do.  This is very doable and we have done that often in past years.

Attached is the latest "Road to Stardom" dashboard, sorted by council.  Find your council and see how you are doing. Remember, in addition to members, we need to grow the Order in Insurance and make our impact in Programs.  Combined with Membership growth, Insurance growth and Programs are needed to reach our goal of 30 Star Councils.  6 Councils have met all of the requirements for Star Council and are awaiting confirmation of the acceptance of their Columbian Award (SP-7) applications.  6 Additional Councils have reached their Membership and Insurance goals, and need to submit SP-7 forms.  17 more have reached membership goals but need insurance numbers, 8 have reached Insurance and not yet Membership.  Don’t forget, Field agents are a powerful resource for membership growth.  Work with them!  Many councils are very close to reaching Star Council.  Keep up the good work.  You can reach that prestigious goal, and don’t forget, Star Councils will receive a credit of $4.50 per billable member from Supreme.  There’s real money to be had here, so don’t miss out!

We keep growing and our position in the Order is impressive!

% of Goal
Position =
out of 75

% of Goal
Position =
out of 75

% of Goal
Position =
out of 75

Congratulations to councils that have reached (or almost reached) their goals.  We encourage you all to continue working hard toward Star Council or beyond!  Don’t let your council miss Star or the Columbian Award by failing to submit a complete/and accepted Form SP-7 or any other required forms!  This also includes the required Supreme Safe Environment training for the Grand Knight and Youth Director. (Council Safe environment compliance as of 5/18 is shown on the attached Road to Stardom dashboard.) SP-7 reports should be submitted now and can reference programs you plan on completing in the rest of the Fraternal Year.  Form submissions are tracked on the Road to Stardom Sheet as well.

All our membership promotions that reward sponsors are based on Supreme’s records and require that the sponsor’s name and membership number be legibly recorded on the form 100!  Many form 100s do not have sponsors listed so those men are not getting credit for our incentives.

Brothers, each of us as a leader in the Arizona Jurisdiction have a key role and responsibility to grow the Order in Arizona and reach our Goals.  Keep up the good work, and we can make it!


Kevin McCarthy
State Membership Director, State Warden Elect
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
Cell: (602) 684-8125

Supporting Life at Every Stage