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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Memorial Day 2016 - Flagstaff

Here is a photo from Memorial Day 2016 - 14 SKs in regalia at our Calvary Catholic Cemetery in Flagstaff during a community salute to veterans


Peter K. Kloeber
District Marshal (North)

Home: 928-525-0585
Cell: 928-890-7500

Memorial Day 2016

Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day - Tucson

Sixteen Sir Knights from Five Tucson Area Assemblies participated in the Memorial Day Mass at Holy Hope Cemetery. Assemblies Present:
Bishop Gerke Assembly 12
Fr. Bishop Henry Miller Assembly 2308
Msgr. Hughes Assembly 2392
St. Alphonsus Assembly 3470
Fr. Anthony Rey Assembly 3617

Sir Knights from Arizona's newest Assembly, the Fr Anthony Rey Assembly 3617

CCC Frank Ballesteros from the Fr. Anthony Rey Assembly

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Knights in Action Photo

Sir Knights of the Father Anthony Rey Assembly # 3617 provided an Honor Guard for the Corpus Christi Procession at Saints Peter and Paul Church in Tucson.  SKs were honored to escort and protect the Blessed Sacrament carried by our Worthy State Chaplain, Father Patrick Crino, pastor of Saints Peter and Paul Church.  The procession made stops at seven outdoor altars set up by the various church ministries in a quarter mile loop that encompasses the Church, the rectory and the convent.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Local Knights give gift of mobility at St. Vincent de Paul

Local Knights give gift of mobility at St. Vincent de Paul: The Arizona State Council of Knights of Columbus recently donated 12 wheelchairs to St. Vincent de Paul.

Monday, May 23, 2016

2016 Raffle Winners - Tentative

2016 Tentative Charity Raffle Winners
Ticket Number

Chet & Phyllis Kozlowski
C McKay
Carmelo Piña
Council 10062
D Wolf
Jack Eversole
Donald Logue
Sean Sylvester
Thomas Sayers
Mary Miller

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Org Meeting - July 8-9, 2016

The Organizational Meeting for the Arizona State Knights of Columbus 
will take place July 8-9, 2016

Click to download Registration Form.
The meeting will be hosted by Fr. Marcel Salinas Council 11536
St. Timothy Catholic Church
1730 W Guadalupe Road
Mesa, AZ 85202

Friday, May 20, 2016

State Convention Attire


Click here for the 2016 State Convention’s suggested attire or dress code. These are only suggestions as to what to wear at the various events during the convention.

Please share this with the other delegates from your council, as well as your wives.

If you’re unable to follow these suggestions, please dress professionally.

Also, if you haven’t already done so, please register now to attend the 2016 State Convention. You can do this by clicking on the link below.

      2016 State Convention Registration

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
PO Box 1944
Gilbert AZ 85299

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Knights at the Ballpark 2016 - Dbacks vs Dodgers - Sept 17


It is that time of year again. Baseball season is in full swing. The Diamondbacks are doing well so far this season. It is hot and we could all use a cold beverage.

On September 17th, we are again having our annual Knights@The Ballpark in support of the Arizona Special Olympics when the D'backs take on the Dodgers.  By participating in this event we all help raise money for the Special Olympians.  Each ticket we purchase returns $2.00 to the Special Olympics, $2.00 to your council and $2.00 for the State Council to support our other charities and activities. This event is not just for Knights. It is for everyone. Knights and their families, Their parish members. The Boy and Girl scout troops and their families too.

Attached are the order forms. For our Southern Knights Councils, we have arranged to have a bus leave from Tucson and take you round trip to the baseball stadium in Phoenix. You can even bring a cooler on the bus. It's cheaper than paying for gas and parking.

Jim Tucker
Chairman Knights @ The Ballpark

602-430-6144  cell

Friday, May 13, 2016

Arizona Veterans Day

Knights treated veterans to an ice cream social in honor of Mother's and Father's day at the Arizona Veterans home in Tucson, AZ. The event has become an annual tradition of the Msgr. James T. Weber Assembly 2152 in Tucson, AZ.

Sunday, May 01, 2016

State Deputy Message - May 2016

Worthy Grand Knight, Please either read this message aloud at your May Council Meeting; and/or, please print the attachment and hand it out at your May Council Meeting so your council members can read my message. Thanks, State Deputy Larry Becker

May 1, 2016


A very well-known miraculous deliverance God gave the Israelites was when the young shepherd boy, David, killed the champion Philistine warrior with a rock from his sling. That giant of a man stood over nine feet tall and terrorized the whole Israelite army. David faced Goliath, who threatened to kill him, with unwavering faith in Almighty God. Though we will never face a physical Goliath like David did, we will all face many giant obstacles in this life. We must continue to trust God as we continue to run with perseverance the race marked out for us (Heb. 12:1).

The race marked out for us is earning the Supreme Circle of Honor Award for the Arizona jurisdiction and earning the Supreme Star Council Award for your council. To earn this for Arizona, we need to bring about 200 additional men and their families into our Order. To do this, every active council needs to recruit at least 3 more men in May and June. Last fraternal year, we were able to do this in the last two months of the year. We can do it again! SK Vince Lombardi, former coach of the Green Bay Packers, and 4th Degree Knight, said, “It’s easy to have faith in yourself and have discipline when you’re a winner, when you’re number one. What you’ve got to have is faith and discipline when you’re not yet a winner.” We can be winners! With a disciplined approach, we can do it!

Now is the time to submit your council’s Columbian Award Application Form SP-7. Every council in Arizona should qualify for this award for providing quality council service programs. You can submit the award application now, even if you have not completed some programs until June 30, 2016. Also, you can earn this award even if you did not meet your Supreme membership or insurance quotas. Please note that Supreme will not accept this application after June 30, 2016. Please submit it early so your council will receive the proper recognition for your hard work.

We look forward to seeing you at the 2016 Arizona State Convention, on May 20 and 21, 2016, at the Casino Del Sol Resort, in Tucson. There will be lots of great information shared, voting for state officers and resolutions, and fun fellowship with Brother Knights from over Arizona.  Click on this link for more information 2016 Arizona State Convention

SK Vince Lombardi also said, “Winners never quit, and quitters never win. “

Brothers, we are winners!

St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us!

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
PO Box 1944
Gilbert AZ 85299