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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Membership Memo - 6/27/18

We gained 10 more members today.  Our June intake is now 123, the 2nd best June in 5 years, and we’re not done yet!.  We now have 957 new Brother Knights so far this year, and have exceeded our Gross intake target by 7 members!  Congratulations to all!   We lost 1 member today and still need 17 to reach our Net intake goal. 

13 Councils appear to be Star-Eligible, including SP-7 reports and Safe Environment. 5 more have met membership and insurance goals and need forms or Safe Environment. 20 Councils have met membership goals and need insurance.  6 Councils have met insurance and need membership.  A few more are close on both. 

Please encourage your DDs to press on for a strong finish and deliver on their Council’s “convention roll-call” commitments. We are nowhere close to the commitments made at the convention. We need more members than we recruited last year in June to make our goal, and we still need 17 Star Councils.  There is still time to recruit and hold a degree.

I am unsure how many outstanding Form 100’s are still in the mill, but there were degrees reported as recently as yesterday.  We have been told that all Form 100s must be in the hands of Supreme by 9:00am Saturday June 30, so make sure your councils file on time!  Please follow up with your DDs to make sure all form 100s are filed ASAP.  It would be great of some more councils could reach their goals.  Remember, host Councils will receive a $25 Visa gift card for any Admission degree held in June based on form 450s submitted to Supreme.

The Safe Environment columns on the Stardom charts are current as of 6/25.  Grand Knights can no longer appoint themselves as Youth Director and file for a background check.  However if they had submitted an updated form 365 by 4:00pm Eastern on June 21, they should still be able to complete their background check.

76 SP-7s are still missing.  That’s too many!  Have your DDs remind their councils to submit SP-7 forms (Columbian Award) as soon as possible. 

 Keep up the good work, and we’ll reach our goals. We always finish strong and we are doing it this year too! 

% of Goal
Position =
out of 75

% of Goal
Position =
out of 75

% of Goal
Position =
out of 75

Kevin McCarthy
State Membership Director, State Warden Elect
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
Cell: (602) 684-81250.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

State Deputy Message - June 28, 2018

May 27, 2018


As this will be my last general message as Arizona State Deputy I want to thank each of you and your members for the dedication to our Order, our Bishops, our Priests, our Parishes and each other.

It has been a true honor to have had the privilege to serve you as State Deputy these last two years.  Brenda and I had the opportunity to travel to many parishes and meet fantastic Knights and their families.  Many of you may not have a full appreciation of the good you are doing in your communities.  Many times, people would come to us after a Mass, during an event or just see us and tell us of the true Catholic Gentlemen we have in our Order. Often these people were not family members of Knights but just a member of the Parish or the community that wanted to tell us of your good deeds.  We were proud to thank them on behalf of you and the Order.

By now you may have seen the message that came out this morning.  Arizona passed our Supreme Knight’s goal for new members.  Congratulations and thank you.  I received messages of support and congratulations from two members of the Supreme staff and 5 other State Deputies.  We do watch and cheer for each other across our Order. 

We are not yet done.  We still have a few days left to bring in that last one or two members.  If you can’t make this happen, offer men the path through online, or E-membership.  They become brother Knights and can then complete their Admission Degree and transfer to your Councils later this summer.

We have until 9:00 AM on Saturday June 30th to submit Form 100’s for new members, work with our Field agents to purchase Annuities to reach our Insurance goals, and to submit our forms. 

I cannot emphasize enough the need for every Council to send in the SP-7 Columbian Award Application.  On the form it shows the deadline as June 30.  For this form, that means that it must be at Supreme on June 30th or before.  Remember, our deadline is 9:00 AM on June 30, 2018.  Please send the form in on Thursday or early Friday.  Even if your Council only did one project or event the entire year, submit the form. 

Just as I am saying goodbye to you as State Deputy we also say goodbye to “Surge with Service”.  This program model has been in use for as long as many of us can remember.  It served Councils very well and gave us a road map for successful programs.

At this weekend’s State Organizational meeting for the 218-19 Fraternal Year our incoming State Deputy Tom Kalisz and his team will provide detailed information to your District Deputies about “Faith in Action”.  I am excited about this new format.  Many or our beloved programs are still here but they might be located under a new heading.  This also helps us move back to our founding principles, support of our Parishes and growth in our Faith.  We all know of Council, and even some State Programs that have run their course.  Now is the perfect time to let those rest and try something new.  I am confident this will bring excitement and new members into your Councils. 

On Holy Thursday I was contacted by Fr. Paul Sullivan, Vocations Director for the Diocese of Phoenix.  Fr. Sullivan was not asking for money.  He was asking the Knights of Columbus do what we do best, to Serve.  He wanted our commitment early on, so they could go forward with planning an event.  Phoenix will be hosting the National Vocation Director Conference in September 2018.  We have been asked to provide rides for Priests and others arriving from the airport to the host hotel.  That’s it.  Fr. Sullivan will be getting assistance in the planning from the Vocations Directors from both the Diocese of Tucson and the Diocese of Gallop.  Priests are expected from across the United States and Canada with others coming from further away to attend.

State Retention Chairman Len Rheaume has agreed to chair this effort and State Deputy Elect Tom Kalisz has included this in his programs for next year.  Keep an eye out for more details but let your members know now to save some time beginning Friday September 14th to Tuesday September 18th.  If they can only make one pickup it will be helpful  The Arizona Knights can show the rest of the Country true hospitality and service to our Priests. 

I will still be around.  As Immediate Past State Deputy I plan to make myself available to State Deputy Tom Kalisz and serve him along with our other State Officers.  Our Corporate Charter for the Arizona Knights of Columbus Charity Inc designates the Immediate Past State Deputy as President of the Charity.  I will be working with the other Board members to complete our procedures and implement practices that bring us even more in line with our mission.  PSDs Bryant Sayers and Larry Becker laid a solid foundation for our 501c3 Charity so now is the time to slowly build upon that base.

On behalf of my wife Brenda an myself I want to say thank you for allowing us to serve. We will continue to keep you and your work for our Faith in our Prayers.

Vivat Jesus,
Sean Halpain
State Deputy

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

2018 Organization Meeting

Brother Knights,
The Arizona Knights of Columbus State Officers would like to invite all brother knights to attend the 2018 Organization Meeting to be held June 28-29, 2018 at Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish in Phoenix.

The agenda is:

Host: Our Lady of Czestochowa Council 14185
2828 W Country Gables Dr
Phoenix, AZ 85053
Date: June 29- July 1, 2018

Friday June 29 - District Deputies and State Officers
Saturday, June 30 - District Deputies and State Officers along with all Third Degree Brother Knights!
                                NEW - Grand Knight and Council Officer Training
                                NEW - Financial Secretary Training
Sunday, July 1 - District Deputies and State Officers

Click here for Registration Form
Here is the Link to the hotel:
Hotel Name:
Hotel Address:
2536 West Beryl Avenue 
Phoenix, Arizona   85021
Phone Number:
Rates are $79/night for a single room
Group Name:
Arizona Knights of Columbus
Group Code:

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Council 1229 San Francisco de Asis

Our Grand Knight Jose Gallagos presenting Amanda Waitz representing San Francisco Catholic School a check for $79,000. Way to go Council 1229!

Monday, June 04, 2018

Program Message - June 2018

Worthy District Deputies and Grand Knights,
We are only weeks away from completing the Fraternal Year.  Please do not delay in submitting your SP-7 so that your Council's can receive the recognition they deserve for all of their hard work.  The attached newsletter has the info need to insure your SP-7 is filled out correctly.  In addition it contains information on applying for the Domestic Church participation award and news about the State's ultrasound initiative.  

Vivat Jesus!

Lawrence A. Powers
State Program Director
Arizona Knights of Columbus
(702) 827-8135

Friday, June 01, 2018

State Deputy Message - June 2018

June 1, 2018


I hope each of you had a relaxing Memorial Day Weekend.  To those members of our Patriotic Degree that participated in Color Corps callouts at the Catholic Cemeteries throughout the State I say thank you. I have always found it very rewarding and humbling to be part of the Mass and events to honor not only members of our Armed Forces who gave of themselves for us to enjoy the freedoms we hold precious, but also those that served and were able to return home.

As we begin our final month of this Fraternal Year it is now time to follow through and complete our Programs, bring in those men who have been hesitant, find all the Form 100’s and submit them.  Sandbagging until July not only hurts the Order and your Council, it could have catastrophic impact on the members family should an accident happen.  If Supreme has not recorded the Form 100, the Accidental Death Policy that each member receives for just paying his dues does not go into effect.

Speaking of Programs don’t wait until the end of June to submit your SP-7 form.  Submit it now.  If you still have 1 or 2 programs that won’t finish until late in the month go ahead and list it now and submit the form.  Supreme staff has told State Deputies to encourage this.  Their attitude is that if the program is listed they are sure that Catholic Gentlemen will complete the program already reported.

Now is the time to think about what is left to do to qualify for Columbian, Founders, McGivney and Star Council Awards.  For those that tell me they don’t do it for the awards I remind them that the Award lets current  and future members, along with the Pastor and Parish Community, know that you are active and relevant to the Church. 

Many Councils are very close to several of these awards.  All of these begin with our members, and the more active members we have the more we can do.  Go ahead and bring in the new guys now.  If you don’t have a degree team or there is not once close by, use the DVD.  Remember to notify your DD that you conducted a Degree, so the Form 450 can be sent to Supreme, and send in the Form 100. 

If prospects are still unsure, suggest they join by E-Membership. They will be Knights and then only need to complete their Admission degree and transfer to your Council. When they do this, you still get credit for a new member.

Our Field agents are working to assist those Councils that need Insurance members to reach Star Council status.  It is still the responsibility of our Grand Knights and Financial Secretaries to promote our Insurance benefits. 

Not wanting to look beyond this year until we complete our work, we still need to make plans for the upcoming State Organizational meeting.  Our State Deputy Elect Tom Kalisz is planning to offer additional training for Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries, and other Council Officers during the District Deputy Training.  Look for the Message from State Training Director Bob Julien for details and visit the state website for more information.  Also, at the recent State Convention our State PR Director John Garcia introduced some concepts for updating our State Website and asked you to review the proposals and cast your votes.  The sites were listed on the flyer passed out to the delegates and our SD Elect needs your input by June 15th.

Arizona has the reputation of being strong finishers.  Let’s live up to that reputation and surpass our Supreme Knight’s goals for Arizona in new members and Star Councils. 

As in past years, you will be getting a few more messages from both me and our State Membership Director Kevin McCarthy this month.  Please don’t just trash these but review and work with your Councils to fulfill the legacy of our Founder, the Venerable Fr. Michael J. McGivney.

Thank you,
Sean Halpain
State Deputy