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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

State Charity Raffle Update #7

A message from the State Raffle Director, Richard Armanini! Any questions or comments should be forwarded to Richard at REArmani@cox.net or telephone 480.706.9314  

This message was sent to all State Officers, District Deputies, and Insurance Agents. In addition, it was sent to the Grand Knights, Deputy Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries, and Raffle. If you are not the Raffle Chairman this year, please send a message to REArmani@cox.net and indicate the new chair and his e-mail for 2012.

Here is a challenge:  

Last year we started to keep a record of the councils whose members bought or sold blocks of $100 in one sale. [See attachment] The challenge is to see how many $100 sales we can generate this year. Every council can generate at least one $100 sale by voting that the council buy a Century Sale.  

Why would a council buy tickets? The best reason is to support their charily. $50 goes to your charity. Most of the balance goes to the State Charities.  

Please [1] pass this suggestion to your members who have e-mail, [2] make the suggestion at your next council meeting, [3] and put it in your next newsletter. Do all three and see what happens.  

Some councils started selling tickets in early 2012. Others are just started to sell tickets. Both have 53 days to reach their goal.

A message from the State Raffle Chairman


See attachments! 


Vivat Jesus


Richard Armanini

State Charity Raffle Director

3315 E Dry Creek Road

Phoenix, AZ  85044-7022

Telephone:  480.706.9314

Cell phone:  480.639.0590 [new]


"Leadership is action, not a position"

P Please consider the environment before printing this email.



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