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Saturday, June 30, 2012

New State Officers Installed

Congratulations to the newly installed State Officers:
State Deputy - Bryant Sayers
State Secretary - Larry Becker
State Treasurer - Skip Hopler
State Advocate - Sean Halpain
State Warden - Tom Kalisz
Immediate Past State Deputy - Pat Schuller


From left to right Front Row- Sean, Larry, Bryant, Skip, Tom
In the back row - Pat and Fr. Greg Adolf from St. Andrew, who is also 2 time Chaplain of the Year for the State of Arizona Knights of Columbus.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

News from Supreme Knight

News from Supreme Knight Carl Anderson.

John S. Garcia
Public Relations Director
Arizona State Council
(602) 525-4424

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Independence Day, Prayer for America




Please give the attached flyer wide distribution.


Jack Ahern

Monday, June 25, 2012

Membership Goal and First Degrees

We are close to the goal of 1000 members with 900 new members. If each council brought in 1 new member this week, we can reach the goal!!!

The following councils can help get the new candidates through the first degree in order to help reach this goal and help your council achieve Star Council:

Wednesday, June 27 – MESA – Council 7904

Holy Cross, Anderson Hall, 1244 S Power Road, Mesa
Registration will be at 6:30 PM, with the degree starting at 7:00 PM.

Please contact GK Bill Ritchie kamper2@live.com or 480-861-9223

Wednesday, June 27 – PHOENIX – Council 10062

Corpus Christi, Rooms 5&6, 3550 E Knox, Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85044
Registration will be at 6:30 PM, with the degree starting at 7:00 PM.

Please contact GK Tom Kato tom.kato@kofc10062.org or 480-907-4581.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

K of C 2012 Charity Raffle Winners

All the winners for the 2012 Knights of Columbus have completed the paperwork for their prize.  The State Officers want to thank all the Councils [Knights] that helped make the 2012 Charity Raffle a successful event.  By now, most Councils have received their checks for their local charity [charities].


 If you attended the banquet at the 4th Degree Exemplification, you saw Worthy State Deputy Pat Schuller give a $1,500 check to St Vincent de Paul from the State Council.  The state portion of the charity raffle sales made that donation possible.  Everyone that bought or sold raffle tickets helped make that feasible. This is just one example of the Charity Raffle dollars at work at the state level.



Richard Armanini

State Charity Raffle Director

3315 E Dry Creek Road

Phoenix, AZ  85044-7022

Telephone:  480.706.9314

Cell phone:  480.639.0590


"Leadership is action, not a position"

P Please consider the environment before printing this email. 


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

KOCOA for June 2012



State Newsletter Attached.   Please distribute widely. Thanks! 

John S. Garcia
Public Relations Director
Arizona State Council
(602) 525-4424

Friday, June 15, 2012

St. Clare of Assisi Council 12851


Knights of St. Clare of Assisi Council 12851 recently presented pastor Fr. Hans Rugyt with a check for $7,000 as down payment for a St. Francis of Assisi statue to be installedin the new church.  In one of their biggest fund raisers ever, brother knights worked a concession stand at all of the Royals/Rangers spring training games.  Over $9,000 was raised on the project. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

St. Pius X Council 10762


The Chief Judge John M. Roll Chapter presented a $1000 donation to Reachout
Pregnancy Center in Tucson. St. Pius X Co. 10762 is leading an Ultrasound
Initiative to help Reachout purchase a new ultrasound machine. The new
machine can detect movement in the womb between 3 and 4 weeks of gestation
allowing the expectant mother to see the life within her much sooner than
before. On hand to receive the check from Chapter President Mario Vassallo
was Lori Giovannini of Reachout. Her husband is a Fourth Degree Knight and
was ordained a Deacon on June 16 in Tucson. See
http://www.reachoutforlife.org/ for more information about Reachout and the
wonderful work they do for Pro-Life in Tucson.

Council 7904

Early last fall one of the priests at Holy Cross Parish in Mesa made a special request of Council 7904.  Father Jun Baula, who comes from one of the poorest parishes in the Philippine Islands, asked if the Knights of Columbus would be willing to organize a collection of shoes and bookbags to send to the children in the Philippines aged 6-14 years.  Council 7904 decided to hold the collection during the four week-ends in November and to enlist the aid of Holy Cross parishioners at all the Saturday and Sunday masses.  Signs were designed, announcements were made in the church bulletin, and large boxes were provided for donations at all church entrances.  The shoe/bookbag drive was a huge success!  Eleven large boxes containing 614 pairs of shoes and 315 bookbags were sent to the Diocese of Isabella.  The distribution of all the donated goods took place before the June start of the new school year in the Philippine Islands. 



Sunday, June 03, 2012

News - Council 9800 Scholarships Awarded

St. Bridget Council 9800 awarded $13,000 to 21 high school and college students.


Saturday, June 02, 2012

Assembly 2058 and Councils 4584 and 10799

Sir Knights from our Assembly 2058 in conjunction with Brother Knights from Councils 4584 and 10799, both located in Sierra Vista, AZ performing some maintenance and repair work. Pictures show how local Sir Knights and Brother Knights continue to volunteer their skills and time at the Holy Trinity Monastery as they participate in the installation of a metal roof over the old roof of the museum and library at the Monastery. A special thanks is extended to Sir Knight Joel Childs (Scribe), Chuck Everding (Comptroller), Pat Unger (Admiral and Immediate Past Faithful Navigator), Abe Gateman (Trustee), and Jose Del Rosario (Color Corp Commander and District Deputy for District #1 in AZ) for their consistent commitment to support the Holy Trinity Monastery community in all their needs


Padre Serra Council 7114

The Round Table of Mater Misericordiae Mission in Phoenix was formed this year are part of Padre Serra Council number 7114 of Glendale. Presently we have 26 members including two priests. Near half of the members are new to KofC this year. We are looking forward to becoming a council before the end of this year. The photos show members of the Knights serving as canopy bearers for the Corpus Christi procession and our welcoming reception for our assistant priest, Fr. Walker, F.S.S.P. who will soon be our chaplain. Mater Misericordiae is the Latin Mass parish (1962 rite) of Phoenix and is staffed by priests from the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. We appreciate all of the support we are receiving from Council 7114, our District Deputy, Brother Leonard Rheaume, and a host of state officers old and new.     
