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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Council 7904

Early last fall one of the priests at Holy Cross Parish in Mesa made a special request of Council 7904.  Father Jun Baula, who comes from one of the poorest parishes in the Philippine Islands, asked if the Knights of Columbus would be willing to organize a collection of shoes and bookbags to send to the children in the Philippines aged 6-14 years.  Council 7904 decided to hold the collection during the four week-ends in November and to enlist the aid of Holy Cross parishioners at all the Saturday and Sunday masses.  Signs were designed, announcements were made in the church bulletin, and large boxes were provided for donations at all church entrances.  The shoe/bookbag drive was a huge success!  Eleven large boxes containing 614 pairs of shoes and 315 bookbags were sent to the Diocese of Isabella.  The distribution of all the donated goods took place before the June start of the new school year in the Philippine Islands. 




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