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Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Bishop's Hour and Catholics Matter

Knights of Columbus and the Arizona Rosary Celebration


These are two topics on this episode of Catholics Matter with Former State Chaplain Fr. Robert Clements. Watch Former District Master Mike Kingman and Former Supreme Master and Past Arizona State Deputy Larry Costanzo discuss the history of the Knights of Columbus and the upcoming Arizona Rosary Celebration.


Here is a link to the Catholics Matter episode: http://faithandlifetv.com/videos/catholics-matter-az-rosary-celebration


Listen to the interview of Larry Costanzo by Michael Dixon on the Bishop's Hour on Immaculate Heart Radio. Here is a link to the Bishop's Hour and the interview: http://thebishopshour.org/2012/10/01/oct-1-2012-year-of-faith-engaging-youth-and-arizona-rosary-celebration/



John S. Garcia
Public Relations Director
Arizona State Council


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