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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Fr. Matthew Announcement

Please read the attached announcement regarding the appointment of Fr. Matthew Jacob as the Arizona State Council Associate State Chaplain from the Diocese of Phoenix.

Click here is the link to the document

Friday, June 14, 2013

New PWID Director for 2013-14



It has been my pleasure to serve as the State Director for People with Intellectual Disabilities the past few years. You will have a new director for the next fraternal year. Ken Gallagher, from St. Rita in the Desert Co. 14230 in Vail will take over as PWID director on July 1. Many of you will know Ken from his experience hosting Fourth Degree Exemplifications in Tucson.


I thank you all for the hard work you have put in in making this program successful and I know you will be successful.


Vivat Jesus,


Pete Karculias


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

PWID Results


I thank you for your hard work and perseverance in making our drive for People with Intellectual Disabilities a success. Through your efforts we raised over $153,000 in gross revenue. The State Council was able to fill all grant requests.

The top fund raisers were:

First Place     St. Anne Council 10540                               $8,890.85
Second Place Verde Council 2493                                      $6,492.92
Third Place    Father Joseph Patterson Co. 3121            $5,419.00

Honorable Mentions (Over $4,000 gross revenue)
Santa Catalina Co. 12345                            $4,967.50
All Saints Co. 9485                                      $5,019.00
Yavapai Co. 1032                                           $4,997.25
St. Pius X Co. 10762                                    $4,340.00
Corpus Christi Co 10062                              $4,189.59
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Co 13719     $4,146.50
Cristo Rey Co. 13435                                    $4,117.38
Deacon Raphael Longpre Co. 10441            $4,085.04

Awards will be announced and presented at the Organizational Meeting in Mesa on June 29.

Vivat Jesus!

Pete Karculias