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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

PWID Results


I thank you for your hard work and perseverance in making our drive for People with Intellectual Disabilities a success. Through your efforts we raised over $153,000 in gross revenue. The State Council was able to fill all grant requests.

The top fund raisers were:

First Place     St. Anne Council 10540                               $8,890.85
Second Place Verde Council 2493                                      $6,492.92
Third Place    Father Joseph Patterson Co. 3121            $5,419.00

Honorable Mentions (Over $4,000 gross revenue)
Santa Catalina Co. 12345                            $4,967.50
All Saints Co. 9485                                      $5,019.00
Yavapai Co. 1032                                           $4,997.25
St. Pius X Co. 10762                                    $4,340.00
Corpus Christi Co 10062                              $4,189.59
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Co 13719     $4,146.50
Cristo Rey Co. 13435                                    $4,117.38
Deacon Raphael Longpre Co. 10441            $4,085.04

Awards will be announced and presented at the Organizational Meeting in Mesa on June 29.

Vivat Jesus!

Pete Karculias


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