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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Knights Produce Documentary on Pope Francis

 This coming Sunday, Nov. 3, the Knights of Columbus-produced documentary on Pope Francis will again be aired on national television. CNBC will broadcast the documentary at 6-7 p.m. Eastern (3-4 p.m. Pacific).


The film, Francis: The Pope from the New World, features interviews with Pope Francis' friends and associates in Argentina, as well as with American commentators such as Supreme Knight Carl Anderson and members of the hierarchy, including Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Cardinal Sean O'Malley, Archbishop Charles Chaput and Archbishop Jose Gomez.


The world has been fascinated by our new Holy Father, but many people still do not fully know the man who is now our pope. This film introduces viewers to Jorge Mario Bergoglio - the man who became Pope Francis - and his life story, from his childhood and patronage of his local soccer team to his vocation and time as a priest, bishop and then cardinal archbishop of Buenos Aires.

If possible, please encourage your council members and parishioners to watch this documentary during your homily or following Masses on the weekend of Nov. 2 and 3.


As Knights, standing in solidarity with our Holy Father, it is not only important that we know him but that we help others to know him, and that we support him in the work of the New Evangelization. If we follow Pope Francis' charitable witness, we have the opportunity to change the world.

John S. Garcia
Public Relations Director
Arizona State Council
(602) 525-4424


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