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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Flag retirement pix/captions - Tucson

Assembly 2308 in Tucson held its annual flag retirement ceremony earlier this month. Many groups came together to share their appreciation of Veterans, the flag and the country.
Council 8077 provided free hamburgers and hot dogs after the flag retirement.

3792--Faithful Navigator, Drew Mansager, describes the power of seeing the American flag when he worked in communist Czechoslovakia.  Flag retirement organizer Ricardo Preciado and Deacon Fran Sherlock look on.

3794--Rifle team from Council 8077, led by Ritchie Preciado, offered a gun salute.  They were accompanied by parish Boy Scouts.

3806--Squires from Council 14089 accompany the Honor Guard of Assembly 2308

3811--Sir Knights of Assembly 2308 ready the flag for proper disposal.

3819--WW II Veteran, SK Sal Gentile, is given the honor of placing the red stripes in the fire.


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