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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Knights in Action - Lent!

Assembly 2308 in Tucson prepares for another record breaking Lenten Fish Fry.

Sir Knights serve with a smile.

Fr. Henry Miller Assembly in Tucson serves over 500 dinners in less than two hours.

But the clean up takes a little bit longer.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Ultrasound Help Needed!

Dear Friends of Life,

As we spend this week contemplating the Holy Sacrifice that Christ suffered for us on the cross, we continue our time of Lenten sacrifice in prayer, fasting and almsgiving. These three components of our faith are vital to our spiritual growth and unity with the suffering of Christ. Along with your prayer with us at the rosary this coming Good Friday, we also invite you to consider giving to those in need who are working to nourish life. We have recently been informed that the Hope Mobile Ultrasound Clinic, which provides services in front of the Glendale Planned Parenthood, ASU, and Phoenix College, has a faulty ultrasound machine. This machine is vital to their mission, and they cannot afford a new one without the support of the pro-life community. Please contact Tanya or Sheila from Life Choices, if you would like to make a donation towards the unit.

Phone: 602-305-5100  

Please consider making a Holy Week sacrifice for life.

See below for more detailed information:

April 15, 2014
Life Choices Women’s Clinic is in great need. Our ministry to abortion–minded women relies on good quality ultrasound images. So often because of pressures from boyfriends, parents, and the culture, a mother forgets to love.
Yet, at that precious moment, when a mother sees her little one on the ultrasound for the first time, things start to change and she begins to love. Through tears, comes a smile….that’s my baby.
In March, we joined our ministry with Hope Mobile ultrasound clinic and immediately saw God’s wonderful work. We offered services at Planned Parenthood Glendale, ASU, and Phoenix College. At ASU we provided STD testing to fourteen students, and we had nineteen patients in five hours during our time at Phoenix College. On Thursday we saw six women, who were scheduled for abortions, turn away from Planned Parenthood to step into the Hope Mobile clinic.
On Saturday, three women came into our clinic seeking ultrasounds but the machine would not turn on. We actually had to watch one of our patients leave us to go to Planned Parenthood for her ultrasound. We were eventually able to get the machine up and running, but it has been unreliable since the initial occurrence. This has been a heartbreaking setback for our ministry. Our ability to reach women and show them the truth about the new life inside of them is
largely dependent on this machine.
Will you please help us? A new portable machine from GE costs $45,000, but we would be grateful for any assistance that could help purchase a demo model for $30,000. If we can get as many groups as possible to pledge donations, we can begin the process of purchasing a new device.
Please pray for us, and pass this message along to anyone who can help. On behalf of the thousands of moms and babies we serve yearly, thank you!
For all God’s little ones,
Sheila Riely

Director, Life Choices Women’s Clinics

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

State Program Awards


The 2014 State Convention is coming very fast! There are lots of preparations to be made. This includes selecting the Council Programs of the Year and individual Knight of the Year awards.

Attached are the 2013-2014 Arizona State Award Instructions and Applications. Please review them and submit your council and/or members for these prestigious awards. It is a great honor for a council or Brother Knight to be recognized at the State Convention. The Arizona award winners are sent to Supreme to be considered for Supreme awards.

To be considered for Arizona awards, your award applications must be received by Francis Smith by the deadline date. The deadline has been extended from April 7, 2014 to April 15, 2014. Any applications received after April 15, will not be considered.

Please submit the complete applications to your Arizona State Awards Chairman via the preferred method of email azawards@gmail.com  or by US Postal Service:
Frank Smith
State Awards Chairman
3167 E. Atsina Dr
Sierra Vista AZ 85650

We would love to have numerous applications for each award to select from. Many councils and Brother Knights do great projects and service. Please submit them so we can recognize their contributions.

The forms can be downloaded found here:

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Holy Cross 7904 Highlights

Knights of Columbus
Holy Cross Council # 7904 – Mesa, AZ
Fraternal Year 2013-14 Highlights

JUN 29, 2013 State Organizational Meeting at Holy Cross Parish in Mesa


JUN 29, 2013 State Officer Installation at Holy Cross Parish


August 24, 2013 Holy Cross Council #7904 Officer Installation
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C:\Users\Primary User\Pictures\13-08 KofC Officer Install (40).JPG
September 19, 2013 Social Event (State Chaplain, Rev Matthew Jacob)


September 19, 2013 Social Event


September 27-28, 2013 PWID Committee

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September 27-28, 2013 PWID Money Counters

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October 3, 2013 Holy Cross Council 7904 Praying the Rosary during Respect Life Month

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October 13, 2013 Arizona Rosary Celebration, Phoenix (Holy Cross Banner in Procession)

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October 24, 2013 Brat Fest at Wellens Hall (Kitchen Chefs)


October 24, 2013 Brat Fest (John Bock, PGK 60 years of service on right)

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October 26, 2013 Holy Cross Council #7904 Worshipping at a Corporate Mass

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November 3, 2013 Benefit for St Vincent DePaul

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November 21, 2013 Deceased Knights Mass, Bill Ritchie, DD Presentation to a Widow

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December 29, 2013 Coffee & Donuts at Sunday Mass in Holy Cross Courtyard

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February 5, 2014 Keep Christ in Christmas Essay Contest Presentation

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March 16, 2014 Respect Life Essay Contest Presentation (Msr. Nestor on left)

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March 21, 2014 Holy Cross Council #7904 Lenten Dinner Kitchen Chefs in Wellens Hall

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March 28, 2014 Holy Cross Lenten Dinner, Patrons dining

March 28, 2014 at 40 Days for Life with Bishop Olmsted & 7904 Brothers Below