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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

State Program Awards


The 2014 State Convention is coming very fast! There are lots of preparations to be made. This includes selecting the Council Programs of the Year and individual Knight of the Year awards.

Attached are the 2013-2014 Arizona State Award Instructions and Applications. Please review them and submit your council and/or members for these prestigious awards. It is a great honor for a council or Brother Knight to be recognized at the State Convention. The Arizona award winners are sent to Supreme to be considered for Supreme awards.

To be considered for Arizona awards, your award applications must be received by Francis Smith by the deadline date. The deadline has been extended from April 7, 2014 to April 15, 2014. Any applications received after April 15, will not be considered.

Please submit the complete applications to your Arizona State Awards Chairman via the preferred method of email azawards@gmail.com  or by US Postal Service:
Frank Smith
State Awards Chairman
3167 E. Atsina Dr
Sierra Vista AZ 85650

We would love to have numerous applications for each award to select from. Many councils and Brother Knights do great projects and service. Please submit them so we can recognize their contributions.

The forms can be downloaded found here:


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