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Thursday, November 20, 2014

2014 Mid Year Meeting

UPDATED - 11/4/14

Please share this email with your wives, if they are planning to attend the 2014 Arizona State Council’s Mid-Year Meeting on December 5, 6, & 7, 2014, in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. Attached please find the registration and agenda information for the weekend.

At the Mid-Year Meeting on Saturday December 6, we will be praying the Rosary, from 8:00AM to 8:15AM. All Brother Knights, their wives, and guests are welcome to pray the Rosary with us. Immediately following the conclusion of the Rosary, the ladies will depart the council hall for the Ladies’ Program.

This year’s Ladies Program will be a fun service project which promises to bring Christmas joy to many Senior Citizens living in two Senior Homes in the Lake Havasu City area. We anticipate there to be a total of 79 residents at the two homes they will be visiting. (Note: Ladies will be split into two groups.) There will also be a great restaurant lunch where the ladies will join back together and share their experiences from the morning. Then, time permitting; there will be an opportunity for shopping.

Here is an agenda for the Ladies program:
Wrap Gifts
[if !supportLists]·         [endif]8:15 AM        The ladies, with their gifts, (details regarding gifts further down), leave the KofC Hall and drive to Our Lady of the Lake Parish Hall. The host council will provide drivers, or they can drive themselves if they like.
[if !supportLists]·         [endif]8:30 AM         Wrap Gifts at Our Lady of the Lake (OLOTL) Parish Hall, where gift bags, tissue paper, name tags etc. will be provided. (Wrapping paper is not recommended as gift bags are easier for the seniors.)

Christmas Party at Senior Homes
9:45 AM        Drive from OLOTL to the two homes.
10:00 AM      Arrive at homes and participate in the activities listed below for about 1 ¾ hours

  • Drinks & cookies/snacks
  • Socializing
  • Sing along Christmas Carols (Both homes have pianos &/or organs)
  • Visit from Santa
  • Gift distribution
  • Individual room decorating and socializing (Decorations to be provided by the residents or the homes)
11:45 AM      Leave the homes and drive to Mario’s Italian Restaurant for lunch

Channel Walk/Shopping (Time Permitting)
1:30 PM         Drive to the English Village for browsing the shops and walking along the channel

Return to Hotel
2:45 PM        Drive to hotel to dress for 4:00PM Mass and the evening dinner

As part of the Service Project, we are asking our ladies to purchase Christmas gifts for the seniors. Please find the gift registry information below. Again, it is not required that a gift be purchased, however it would be helpful. Please be as generous as you can and consider purchasing more than one gift, if possible. Also we ask that you bring your Christmas gift(s) for the seniors to the Council Hall before the Rosary begins at 8:00 AM.

Please go to the link http://www.freegiftregistry.com/Default.aspx  to select the gift(s). Then:
  • Click on the words “Find a Registry” on the top ribbon of the home page
  • Enter the Keywords: KofC Mid-Year Meeting & Click “Search”
    • OR
  • Enter in the DATE: 12-6-14   & Click “Search”
  • Enter the Event Name  Click on  “KofC Mid-Year Meeting Ladies Event's Christmas with Seniors”
  • Click “View Registry” (to the Right)
  • In the white box below “what are we having” - Type  ladiesevent
  • Click  “Login”
  • If the Gifts and Names are not visible, then click  “Gifts $10 - $15”
  • Select the gift(s) you will be purchasing for the seniors and follow the instructions to save your choices. 
If you have difficulty or do not have access to a computer, please call someone in your council for assistance or call Brother Dave Devett at 928-680-4520.

We hope to see you at the Mid-Year Meeting! It will informative and fun!

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker

State Deputy
UPDATED - 10/10/14

Due to overwhelming demand, the Quality Inn & Suites, the host’s hotel for the 2014 State Mid-Year Meeting, has sold out of non-smoking rooms. They still have smoking rooms, as well as suites.

We have secured a block of 15 non-smoking rooms at the Motel 8, near the Council Hall, at the rate of $59.00 plus tax. The rooms are not as nice as the Quality Inn, but they are clean, reasonably priced, and non-smoking. Please contact the hotel for your reservations. The deadline for this rate is October 24, 2014.

Motel 6 - Lake Havasu City - Lakeside #4067
SR 95 at London Bridge Road
111 London Bridge Road
Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403
(928) 855-3200

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy


The 2014 Arizona State Council Mid-Year Meeting will be hosted by 
on December 5, 6 and 7, 2014. Attached is the information on the hotel, meeting registration, and meals.

The form is a fillable form. This will allow you to type in the information and print. Click on link to get the latest version of Adobe Acrobat (free).

All District Deputies are required to attend this important meeting. Please remember at the Organization Meeting in July 2014, we agreed to change our format from having the District Deputy meeting on Friday and moving it to Sunday morning. We made arrangements with the host hotel for a 1:00PM checkout on Sunday. This is one hour after we plan to end our Sunday meeting. This way you don’t have to take a Friday workday off.

The hotel and meeting reservation cutoff date is November 20, 2014. Please make your reservations as soon as possible to insure that you have a room at the host hotel.

The Host Council has secured a block of rooms at the rate of $70.00 (2 Queen Beds) or $60.00 (1 King Bed), plus tax, per night. For this rate, please call the hotel and say you are with group: AZ State Council Knights Columbus. Free breakfast and Wi-Fi are included at the hotel.  
Note 1: Per Supreme, District Deputies are reimbursed for one hotel night. This will be Saturday December 6. 
Note 2: The hotel reservation cutoff date is November 20, 2014.

Phone: 1-928-855-1111

Here is a high level meeting agenda:
Friday Dec 5
Council Hall
5:00 to 6:00PM
6:00 to 8:30PM
Council Hall
Fellowship Dinner
(State Officers Required. District Deputies and others attendance is OPTIONAL)
9:00 PM to ??
Lake Havasu Boat Ride to California Casino. Free to the first 75 people registered.
8:45 to 11:00 PM
Hospitality Room in Hotel – Havasu Meeting Room

Saturday Dec 6
Council Hall
7:00 to 8:00 AM
Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:00 to 8:15 AM
Rosary (Families are invited)
8:15 AM to 3:00 PM
Ladies’ Program (Departs immediately after Rosary)
8:15 AM to 12:00 PM
Meeting (District Deputies are required to attend. All Brother Knights are welcome.)
12:00 to 12:30 PM
Knight’s Lunch
12:30 to 3:30 PM
Meeting (District Deputies are required to attend. All Brother Knights are welcome.)
4:00 PM
Mass in the Council Hall (State Officers & District Deputies in Jacket & Tie / State Officers’ & District Deputies’ wives in “Sunday Dress”) (All Brother Knights, wives, and guests are welcome.)
After Mass to       8:30 PM
Cocktails and Dinner (All Brother Knights, wives, and guests are welcome.)
8:45 to 11:00 PM
Hospitality Room in Hotel – Cholla Meeting Room

Sunday Dec 7
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
District Deputy Meeting in Hotel – Havasu Meeting Room (State Officers & District Deputies required.) Late hotel checkout confirmed at 1:00PM.
10:00 to 12:00 PM
Ladies’ Gathering (State Officers’ wives, District Deputy’s wives and all other wives are welcome.) Hotel Room TBD

We are looking forward to a productive and fun meeting! We hope to see you there.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker

State Deputy


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