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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Workshop for Financial Officers

We will have a Financial Secretary Workshop for Financial Secretaries, Comptrollers, Grand Knights and Navigators on May 3 in Chandler.


Date: May 3, 2016
Time: 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Place: St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church
            3450 West Ray Road
            Chandler, AZ 85226


Here is a link to a map showing the church location. At the bottom of the page is a campus layout. We'll be in the social center which is most often referred to as Hennessy Hall. The best place to park would be the lot north of the campus.









Campus & Location - Saint Andrew the Apostle Catholic Ch...

Saint Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church 3450 West Ray Road, Chandler, AZ 85226 (480) 899-1990 Copyright © 2016 Saint Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church

View on www.standrew-cfc.org

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There is no cost.


This will be a shortened version of the training program presented in the past. Both new and experienced council and assembly officers will find this useful.


Topics will include


Member Management – use of the online tool provided by the home office
- Member Information
- Council Administration
- Reporting council officers and service program personnel


Member Billing
- Initial setup for billings
- The billing cycle including retention activity
- Dues Assessments
- Other Assessments
- Processing dues receipts


Council Accounting
- Accounting setup
- Receipts
- Vouchers
- Adjustments


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Thank you.



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