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Friday, November 25, 2016

Knights in Action - Knights Food Drive exceeds 4,300 cans

Food Drive exceeds goal of 4,000 cans
The Knights of Columbus of the Bishop Francis J. Green Council # 11855 and the students from Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School take their wagons of canned goods to Mass on 23 Nov 2016.  They collected over 4,300 cans in their food drive for the Saint Vincent de Paul Society.

Worthy State Chaplain, Father Patrick Crino,  talks to students as they prepare to pull their wagons of canned goods to the altar.

This is only half of the wagons.  Over 4,300 cans were collected, exceeding their goal of 4,000 cans.

Knights box up the donated cans.

Faithful Navigator of the Father Anthony Rey Assembly # 3617 assists our Worthy State Chaplain loading boxes of cans from the food drive onto the Saint Vincent de Paul truck on 25 Nov 2016.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Flag Retirement Ceremony at Saints Peter & Paul Catholic School

The Father Anthony Rey Assembly 3617 conducted a Flag Retirement at Saints Peter & Paul Catholic School. This is the 5th year that a flag retirement has been conducted at the school.  Faithful Captain Ray Obral led the ceremony. Over 400 students and 50 family members attended the ceremony. Council 11855 & State Chaplain Fr. Crino led the opening prayer. Each year, an honoree is chosen from the School Community. This year, Staff Sgt. Kristen Grivala of the Arizona Air National Guard was the Honoree. She has recently returned form a deployment to southwest Asia.

Monday, November 14, 2016

2016 State Soccer Winners

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Council 11855 Installs a 'Buddy Bench' at Saints Peter & Paul Catholic School

Knights installed this home made bench made by one the school student's Grandma. This bench is located next to the playground. If any student doesn't have a buddy to play with, they can sit on the bench and the other students will come over ask the student to come and play with them. Principal Charlene Roll admires and test out the bench.


Bishop Kicanas with a few of our winners. (Photo taken at SEAS on Saturday, November 5, 2016)

Tucson's ARC Poster Contest Winners with State Officers

This photo was taken on Saturday, November 5 at SEAS. Eleven of our winners with State Deputy Sean Halpain and State Treasurer, Mario Varsalles. Some of our winners came as far away as Nogales and Sierra Vista. We had a wonderful Pizza Party and fortunate to have our sponsors visit us.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Rummage Sale - Tucson Knights in Action

Worthy State Chaplain, Fr. Patrick Crino assists Seminarian Jesus load furniture onto the trailer for the Bishop Francis J. Green Council 11855 Knights of Columbus Rummage Sale on 30 October 2016.

Gramer Hall at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church was packed.

Knights delivered large furniture items purchased at the Rummage Sale

Items not sold at the Rummage Sale were donated to Saint Vincent de Paul

Knights donated a stainless steel refrigerator and four leather chairs to the teachers lounge at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School.  Last year the knights painted the teachers lounge.  This year was the furniture upgrade.

Teachers from Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School enjoy the new leather chairs donated by the Knights of Columbus.

40 Days for Life - Stand for Life - Thursday October 27

Brother Knights,

Please support the 40 Days for Life National event to be held this Thursday, October 27th!  Hear from dynamic local and national speakers, pray, fast, and stand together with pro-lifers from across our state.  The event will begin at 7 PM at 1331 N. 7th St. in Phoenix.  A second event will be held in Flagstaff on Friday, October 28 at 8:30 AM.  Please see attached flier for details.

Attached are two Fliers with information about upcoming 40 Days for Life Events.  

Even though this is short notice please share with as many of your Council members as you can and encourage their participation.

If you need additional information please contact our State Pro Life Chair Couple, Malcolm & Karen Ord at mkazknights@yahoo.com.

Thursday, November 03, 2016

Black Friday at St Vincent de Paul - Volunteers Needed- November 25

St. Vincent de Paul “Black Friday” Family Dinner

Brothers, Friday, November 25, 2016, 3:30pm – 6:00pm, will be the evening that we will be volunteering for the family evening meal at St. Vincent de Paul Dining Room. This event will be at 420 West Watkins Road, Phoenix, AZ 85003. We need 15-20 volunteers (Knights and their families) for this event. More information on volunteering will be sent out to State Officers, Committee Chairs, Councils and Assemblies in a few days.

    *      South of I-17, between 7th Ave. and Central Ave.
    *      Volunteers and Visitors enter from S. 3rd Dr. into the north parking lot.

    *      The entrance to the north parking lot is indicated by 2 pink pillars.

Volunteer Waiver Form

Chet Yancy
Community Director