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Tuesday, November 01, 2016

State Deputy Message - November 2016

We have now completed 1/3  of our Fraternal Year.  Four months done, only eight left.  How are you doing on your Council Action Plans?  Are you serving your Parishes and Pastors?  Is your Community better now than it was on July 1st?  Are you becoming the Leader of Your Domestic Church?
As a State, we were in the money for the first three months.  Supreme has continued State Membership Incentive contests.  In July, August and September we qualified for some additional funds that we will put back into Membership growth programs.
Surprisingly we came up short in October.  I say surprising as October is one of our two Membership Drive months.  To help us we even asked our Supreme Membership & Program Consultant to come to Arizona and give us some additional training to help us come from behind the table and do what we all knows is the best way to recruit a man to join the Knights; Ask him!
I trust that those efforts will be reflected in November and December growth as we bring those we asked to join complete their Admissions Degree. Don’t wait until our April Church Drives to use these new skills. Recruit now.  Can you think of a better way to help another man experience Advent than to become part of a group of Catholic men dedicated to our Lord and our Church?
Don’t get down.  We still have two months before our midpoint which gives us plenty of time to get back on track.  Look at our State Website or ask your Grand Knight about the Incentive programs we have in place to reward those who bring a man into the Knights.
Members may not realize this but we do listen to what is being said at the Council Meetings, during the Pancake Breakfasts,  at Officer Installations and by word of mouth.  I had thought that the Star Recruiter Program, and in particular the Star Recruiter Pin, had run its course and we needed to look for something new.  I was wrong!
At least 8 other States picked up this program begun by IPSD Larry Becker.  We are bringing the program back but with some changes.  You no longer will need to fill out the card and mail to receive your Star Recruiter Pin.  Working with Supreme we now have a way to capture your name from the Form 100 and we will be sending the Star Recruiter Pins you have earned.  To enhance this program we now have a Star Recruiter Key Chain for those who bring in three or more new members.
Start recruiting now so we won’t need to push to reach our goals for Star Council in May and June.
Do you buy stuff from Amazon?  Are you a member of Amazon Smiles?  Did you know you can help our State Charity to receive additional donations?  When you check out remember to pick Arizona Knights of Columbus Charity Inc.  A special thank you to State Treasurer Mario Vassallo for setting this up.
How is your Prayer Life?  Are you struggling to evangelize our faith?  On Saturday November 5 the Tucson Men’s Conference will be held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish.  On February 4, 2017 the Phoenix Men’s Conference will be presented at Xavier College Prep.  Both of these events are a chance to come together not only with Brother Knights, but with other Catholic and Christian Men to publically express your faith.  If you have been to either of these you know that you, through the Arizona State Council, help to Sponsor these events.  Both will culminate with a Mass celebrated by each Dioceses Bishops.
COMING SOON!  More on the Domestic Church initiative announced by our Supreme Knight at the 2015 State Deputy meeting.  This effort is continuing, was part of the inspiration for our State Theme, and will soon become part of our Surge with Service programs.  Supreme will be announcing the details soon but get a jump and have your Council get involved in the Building the Domestic Church while strengthening your Parishes.
Start a study group using Bishop Olmsted’s Apostolic Exhortation “Into the Breach”  If you don’t have a paper copy then download it from Supreme’s CIS site.
Invite Families to follow the “Families Fully Alive” program.  Make this a part of your recruiting efforts to bring in young men just starting their families.
Here are more programs on Supreme’s Website to help us enact our Supreme Knights vision.  Journey to the Inn, Keep Christ in Christmas Campaign, Food for Families, Coats for Kids, Family Week Celebrations.
Remember the Holy Family Icons and the Marian Prayer program?  This program is still going and we have two Icons in Arizona for you to use.  Contact District Master Bryant Sayers for more information and to schedule one of these Icons at your Council, Parish, or School.
It has been also brought to my attention that the State Council, our Program Directors, and me in particular need to communicate more information to our membership using our State Website along with strategic bulk email broadcasts.  Future messages will include short bits of information from our Pro Life Chair couple, Habitat for Humanity Chairman, Community Director & programs you can take to your communities.  If you would like topics covered please let me know. 
We begin and end our meetings with prayer.  For meetings and events I ask that you recite the Leader’s Prayer that is part of our State Theme to “Be The Leader of Your Domestic Church”.  On a daily basis please remember to keep your Brother Knights and their families in your prayers.  Many are suffering, most in silence, and we can serve each other in no better way that to pray for each other.
Vivat Jesus

SD Sean Halpain


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