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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Membership Message

Brother Knights,

We have just recently celebrated Christ’s Birth and we enjoyed the tradition of giving and receiving gifts.  Well, I can’t give you all a gift, but I can share with you a couple of membership incentives that will hopefully encourage you to share the gift of Membership in the Knights of Columbus with your Fellow Catholic Brothers.

First,  a Holiday Membership Incentive!  As a reward to the Council in Arizona that that has the largest net increase in membership based on % of quota between December 15, 2016 and January 15, 2017, the Council will receive two tickets for the February 4th Phoenix Men’s Conference.  Make sure that you submit all Form 100s you have ASAP, as well as schedule and hold Admissions Degrees in early January and get the paperwork in and recorded at Supreme before 1/15/17!

Here’s  a link to information on the sold-out Conference.  It will be a great event!  http://www.cmfp.org/2017conference.php

Second, the Supreme Knight has once again approved the Star Council Per Capita Credit Incentive.  Each Council that achieves any level of Star Council will receive a $4.50 credit against the Council’s Supreme Per Capita assessment for every billable member. (Excludes Honorary Life and Disability Exemptions).  This can add up to real money for your council to use to support its good works.  Keep this incentive in mind as you work hard to recruit new members and also when you consider suspending members.

State Membership progress as of 12/29/2016
Goal: 950 New Members
To Date: 382
Percent of Goal: 40.21%

Kevin McCarthy
State Membership Director
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus

Be the Leader of Your Domestic Church

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Tucson Knights Practice Carpentry


Grand Knight, Robert Roll, instructs his knights as they remove cabinets from the principal's office at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School and install them in the school kitchen.

The sagging cabinets in the old kitchen were over 40 years old and needed to be replaced.  What better way to celebrate the day after Christmas than to join hammers with your fellow knights and enjoy some carpentry just as our Savior enjoyed being a carpenter.

Vivat Jesus,


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas Eve Mass - Tucson

Honor Guard for Midnight Mass Mass on Christmas Eve

The Knights of Columbus set-up the luminaries before the Midnight (actually 10pm) Mass and provide an Honor Guard for the Mass.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Christmas Eve Rosary with Bishop Olmsted



Please join me and many of your fellow Knights of Columbus members, families, and Prayer warriors for this annual event.


As we celebrate the eve of Christ’s birth, join Bishop Olmsted in praying the rosary outside the Planned Parenthood facility in Glendale.  

Come prepared to join as the Bishop, Priests and Deacons lead the Decades for several of the Mysteries of the Rosary of Mary.

Saturday, December 24th  

Christmas Eve Rosary for Life with Bishop Olmsted

11AM to 12:15PM - Planned Parenthood, 5771 W. Eugie Ave., Glendale

Please park along nearby streets and walk to the site; do not park in local business or medical parking lots. 

Bring water and shade.


Mark you calendars now and plan to attend again on Good Friday in 2017.


Thank you,



Sunday, December 18, 2016

Toys for Tots - Council 15704

Our Lady of the Desert Council No. 15704, Picture Rocks, AZ
The Families of the Brothers from The Our Lady of the Desert Council No. 15704 brought unwrapped toys to their Annual Christmas Potluck on December 15th, 2016.
The local Marine Reserve Center sponsors the Toys-for-Tots program for Southern Arizona.  This year we invited them to our Potluck.  We were very fortunate to have two young Marines attend and shared in our Potluck Dinner.  SSargent, Miguel Diaz and Sargent Thomas Laprovote.  Both men were graduates from the local high school.
We asked for and honored all the Veteran Brothers attending the Potluck.  We had a total of 16 Veterans standing and given an ovation for their service.
SSargent, Diaz told us that he will be attending Marine Officers Training School next year.  Sargent Laprovote is attending the University of Arizona in Pre-Med classes to later graduate as a Doctor.  We wished them the best of luck in their endeavors!
The Brothers assisted in loading three of their standard boxes with toys.  See the photo of SSargent Diaz, Grand Knight Ray Obral, and Sargent Laprovote.  Both Marines were very grateful and thanked us for our donation.

Ray Obral, Grand Knight

Friday, December 16, 2016

Miami Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Guadalupe Procession

Sir Knights from Fray Francisco Garces Assembly 12, serving the copper area of Miami, Globe, Superior and Kearny, and Fr. George celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe in a procession ending at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament in Miami.

Knights in Action - Tucson

   Former District Master Jim Maino, far right, receives Christmas gifts for veterans from San Manuel's First Avenue Elementary School students.
   Jim is a volunteer at the Tucson Veterans Hospital and heads the KofC volunteers in Tucson.

Coats for Kids - Council 12246

Thanks to Ron, Carol, Isauro, Terisita, Mike, and Don for helping out today in distribution of the Coats for Kids. 

Thanks to all the Knights, families and friends that contributed.

We brought a lot of warmth to a lot of kids. Merry Christmas.



Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Burmese 1st Degree Picture

This past Saturday, Council 9482 held a Admission Degree ceremony for 23 Burmese men with Fr. Marino interpreting from English to Burmese.
The degree team did a great job working with Fr. Marino to ensure the break points translated properly from English to Burmese. 

Picture includes 23 Burmese 1st Degree's...Fr Marino - Interpreter...1st Degree Team & Council Members who attended.

John B Simpson Sr  
Grand Knight - Council 9482

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Knights in Action Pictures

Tucson Knights Hold Family Christmas Party
IMG_2916    The Bishop Francis J. Green Council # 11855 held its annual Family Christmas Party 10 Dec 2016 with a potluck dinner. 
IMG_2926   During dinner, families enjoyed a video highlighting the council's activities throughout the year.
IMG_2929   Sister Jeanne Bartholomeaux, S.C., Vicar of Vowed Religious for the Diocese of Tucson plays "Guess the Christmas Carol" game.
IMG_2931   Our Worthy State Chaplain, Fr. Pat Crino, leads his team to victory in the game of "Guess the Commercial Jingle."
IMG_2938   There were games for kids big and small and prizes too.
IMG_2946    Worthy District Deputy # 4, Willie Watts, shows Christmas Spirit as he plays "Toss the Jingle Bell."