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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Membership Message

Brother Knights,

We have just recently celebrated Christ’s Birth and we enjoyed the tradition of giving and receiving gifts.  Well, I can’t give you all a gift, but I can share with you a couple of membership incentives that will hopefully encourage you to share the gift of Membership in the Knights of Columbus with your Fellow Catholic Brothers.

First,  a Holiday Membership Incentive!  As a reward to the Council in Arizona that that has the largest net increase in membership based on % of quota between December 15, 2016 and January 15, 2017, the Council will receive two tickets for the February 4th Phoenix Men’s Conference.  Make sure that you submit all Form 100s you have ASAP, as well as schedule and hold Admissions Degrees in early January and get the paperwork in and recorded at Supreme before 1/15/17!

Here’s  a link to information on the sold-out Conference.  It will be a great event!  http://www.cmfp.org/2017conference.php

Second, the Supreme Knight has once again approved the Star Council Per Capita Credit Incentive.  Each Council that achieves any level of Star Council will receive a $4.50 credit against the Council’s Supreme Per Capita assessment for every billable member. (Excludes Honorary Life and Disability Exemptions).  This can add up to real money for your council to use to support its good works.  Keep this incentive in mind as you work hard to recruit new members and also when you consider suspending members.

State Membership progress as of 12/29/2016
Goal: 950 New Members
To Date: 382
Percent of Goal: 40.21%

Kevin McCarthy
State Membership Director
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus

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