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Saturday, January 28, 2017

2016-2017 Charity Raffle

Brother Knights,

The Charity Raffle material was given to all District Deputies for distribution to their councils at the Mid-Year meeting.  Charity raffle tickets posters and envelopes with a letter and manual was included for the Grand Knight, Chaplain, Raffle Chairman, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer of each council that sold tickets last year.  

If you do not have the raffle material, contact your District Deputy. 

Vivat Jesus,
Dennis Sullivan
State Charity Raffle Director


  1. Brother,
    Is it possible to get a list of who last years State Raffle Ticket winner's were, Council that sold ticket, where the winner was from, ect. It was brought up by our council members at last nights meeting.
    Thank you in advance for your help.
    VIVAT Jesus
    Daniel Z. Garcia SK, FS, PGK dzgarciaj6@gmail.com
    Logan de Rosier Council 7521, Benson
