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Monday, March 20, 2017

St. Patrick's - Tucson

Tucson St. Patrick's Day parade---Sir Knights from three Tucson Assemblies provided two color guards for Tucson's 30th Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade.


State Chaplain Fr. Pat Crino, pastor of SS Peter and Paul parish and school, was cheered throughout the parade.  SKs and parents of SS Peter and Paul students led the school's parade entry.


One of Tucson's youngest SKs, Billy Barrett, who was Exemplified in January, was proud to carry the Knights of Columbus flag in his first call out.


St. Patrick, Himself, was close behind the lead color guard and entry for the Tucson St. Patrick's Day Parade.


Parents and students of SS Peter and Paul school celebrated St. Patrick's Day and SS Peter and Paul on their school's float.


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