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Sunday, February 04, 2018

Veterans Benefit - Tucson

The Msgr. James T. Weber Assembly #2152 held its 15th Annual Veterans Benefit Dinner last November 11 to raise funds for the personal needs of veteran patients at the Southern Arizona VA Hospital in Tucson.  On Feb 2, 2018, members of the Weber Assembly visited Deborah Brookshire, VA Volunteer Services supervisor and presented her with a check for $3,000.00, the proceeds of that dinner. Photo shows (l-r) Faithful Captain Chris Rod, Faithful Navigator Emmanuel “Dutch” Steenbakker, Deborah Brookshire, NEW S.K. Charles Beaty, Faithful Pilot Fred Falgiano.

The dinner is known as the Richard J. Venegas Veterans Benefit Dinner in honor of S.K. Richard J. Venegas, PFN and former color corps callout coordinator for Tucson, and one of the kindest and most deeply faithful Knights many of us have ever known.

The dinner on Veterans Day featured keynote speaker Ron Furtak, Lt. Col., USAF (Ret). Col. Furtak was a Search and Rescue (SAR) pilot in Vietnam with almost 900 hours combat time on 191 missions for the rescue of 27 souls. He is today a DOCENT at the Pima Air & Space Museum. 

The Weber Assembly Color Corps demonstrated the Flag-Folding Ceremony (which you can see here http://kofcknights.org/AssemblyPhotoGalleries.asp?A=2152) and the powerful and moving  POW/MIA ceremony. We also had a display of military memorabilia from WW I to the war on terror. 

We had a record turnout and eagerly look forward to Veterans Benefit Dinner No. 16 next year.

Vivat Jesus!


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