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Thursday, May 24, 2018

State Deputy Message - May 23, 2018

May 23, 2018


Our State Convention has concluded, and I believe it was a great success!

Our State Officers for the 2018-2019 Fraternal Year will be.

State Deputy – Tom Kalisz
State Secretary – Mario Vassallo
State Treasurer – Luigi Baratta
State Advocate – Tom Kato
State Warden – Kevin McCarthy
Immediate Past State Deputy – Sean Halpain

Congratulations and good luck to each. I trust our membership statewide will support these men as they undertake the challenges of a new position while transitioning their current responsibilities to their successor. The time after Convention is very busy for both the State Secretary and the State Treasurer.

At the State Convention we conducted a Council Roll call to get some information about how many new members are expected to join our order between the Convention and June 30, 2018.  We also asked if a Council expected to earn Star Council status.  I want to thank all the Councils that responded.  State Officers will be calling those Councils that were not able to attend the Convention to get this information from them. 

I ask each of you to continue your efforts to grow your Councils and our Order so that we can continue to be able to respond to our Bishops, Pastors, and Parishes when they call on the Knights.

Looking forward, I let you know in an earlier message that the Surge of Service Program that had been used for years was being retired.  In its place will be the Faith in Action program.  Key changes are ending Council and Youth categories and combining them in with the categories of Faith, Family, Community, and Life.

The following is a link to the revised Form 365 Service Program Personnel Report.  Our State Deputy Elect will learn more at his June State Deputy Orientation meetings.  If you have more questions, bring them to your District Deputy after they return from the State Organizational meeting being held beginning on June 30th in Phoenix.

Our State Assistance Membership Director Ken White has been working for several weeks on a concept for “2 Man Teams”.  The concept, first brought to us by Supreme in August, is to create some dedicated teams to assist Councils with their Membership Recruiting efforts.   We put this on hold when Arizona was selected to be one of the 7 pilot states for E-Membership.  Continuation of this program, or a variation, will be decided by our State Deputy Elect and his Membership Director.  Regardless, the information Ken has assembled in preparing for this will only help our State going forward. Thanks to any that assisted Ken in this ground work.

Check your brief cases and notebooks.  Make sure all Form 100s for men that have completed their Admissions Degrees are completed accurately and submitted to Supreme as soon as possible.  We owe this to these men, so they can realize the benefits they are now entitled to receive.

Finally, now is the time to look at your programs to see if you have any that need to be completed. I realize not every Council will achieve Star Council Status, but with the Supreme Columbian, Founders, and McGivney Awards I believe that every Council has the potential to earn one of these.  Regardless of the Award, it is very gratifying to be presented one of these by your District Deputy, a State Officer, or our State Deputy.

Vivat Jesus,
Sean Halpain
State Deputy


  1. Council 8386 (Prescott Valley) sends our congratulations to our new State Officers.

    Lexy A. Larez, Grand Knight
