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Friday, October 21, 2011

The Knights of Columbus Supports Vocations!

As State Deputy for the Knights of Columbus in the great state of Arizona, I am compelled to write this letter to expound on the Knights' great work in the area of vocations.

Our Most Reverend Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo Nevares charges us with the important task of expanding our efforts to find young men and women of the Diocese of Phoenix that feel the call to priestly and religious vocations. (CLICK HERE to read Bishop Nevares' Letter to the knights.)

We must nurture and mentor those who Christ is calling from our parishes. We do this by our moral or financial support through every stage of their formation to serve the Church.

As Knights we are in solidarity with our priests. This is the same for seminarians from their first day of college seminary until the day of their ordination. We must show our support to the public, by raising them up in prayer, and by helping others see how they are doing in the journey. They are called to be servants to the entire Catholic population, not just in our state, but the world. Our support for them can help shape their experience in many ways, further igniting their dedication to the Lord.

Please accept my request and those of our Auxiliary Bishop as a priority for your council’s activities for the coming fraternal year.

Vivat Jesus!
Patrick J. Schuller
State Deputy
Knights of Columbus
Arizona State Council


  1. January 13-19 2013 is vocations week - are there any state activities planned?
