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Monday, April 16, 2012

State Charity Raffle Update #9

A message from the State Raffle Director, Richard Armanini!  Questions or comments should be forwarded to Richard at REArmani@cox.net or telephone 480.706.9314 or 480.639.0590.


This message was sent to all State Officers, District Deputies, and Insurance Agents.  In addition, it was sent to the Grand Knights, Deputy Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries, and Raffle Chairman.  

Richard Armanini, 3315 E Dry Creek Road, Phoenix AZ 85044-7022

Telephone and Recorder: 480.706.9314 or 480.639.0590

E-Mail: REArmani@cox.net

In order for the State Council to send your CHARITY CHECKS to you as soon as possible after the convention, we are going to change the process for turning in the Charity Raffle ticket stubs and checks.

Anytime from now until the convention, councils can:

1. Mail a council check and ticket stubs to the State Charity Raffle Director OR mail a council check and turn the stubs in at the convention before 12:00 Noon on Saturday May 19, 2012.

2. In either case, you can still turn in a final Council check and ticket stubs at the convention.

3. Attached is an electronic version of the State Raffle Report. You can type the information, print the report and mail a copy of the report with your council check. [Typing is better than hand writing]

4. When you mail the check, also e-mail State Raffle Report or telephone the State Charity Raffle Director so I know to expect the check.

5. The State Raffle Director will document the information, sign the form, and return the signed State Raffle Report to you via mail or electronic mail.

6. The deadline for mailing the checks and/or ticket stubs to the State Raffle Director is May 15th.

7. When the council sends a check and holds their ticket stubs to deposit in the Raffle Barrel at the convention, they must bring the signed copy of the State Raffle Report along with the ticket stubs.

8. The deadline for turning in tickets stubs only is 12:00 Noon on Saturday May 19, 2012

9. PLEASE do not bring personal checks or cash to the convention.

10. Caution, do not give or send checks or ticket stubs to anyone expect the State Raffle Director or his team working the raffle table. [Last year we had personal checks and money missing when they were given to someone other than Knights working at the raffle table. We found the ticket stubs in time for the drawing]

There are five [5] weeks until the convention. This is plenty of time for each council to push to reach their goal or stretch goal.



The attached document is the State Raffle Report.  Please read both.


Discard all old State Raffle Reports and only use the attached version. 


Thanks for supporting the K of C State Charity Raffle.


Richard Armanini

State Charity Raffle Director

3315 E Dry Creek Road

Phoenix, AZ  85044-7022

Telephone:  480.706.9314

Cell phone:  480.639.0590 [new]


"Leadership is action, not a position"

P Please consider the environment before printing this email.



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