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Thursday, April 19, 2012

From the State Chaplain

Dear Brothers Knights;

It is a privilege for us Catholics to be part of this country where Religious Freedom is important, and should be defended.

Recently we received some attacks to our freedom and our Catholic believes. It is our rights to protect for our own good and the generations to come.

The Health and Human Services (HHS) is trying to impose on our Church to provide services that runs against our moral teachings of our faith.

In the mist of these difficult times we should stand together as ONE in our faith and together in our actions.

It will be important to follow what the Church is recommending to us:


  • Notify political leaders State and Federal that we are not agree for this attack to our religious freedom. Do it with kindness, not with grudge.
  • Continue supporting our local parishes, pastors, priests and Bishops…Pray for us!
  • Pray for our government leaders.
  • Defend Life at all times; respecting the rights of all peoples….. [Unborn, children, young teens, young adults, married couples, elderly, widows, orphans; that includes our immigrant brothers and sisters. We cannot fight against the reality of their presence; they have their right as well us. All of us have been created by God with the same dignity.
  • Attend or promote an OVERNIGHT ADORATION TO THE BLESSED SACRAMENT to stop this attack to our religious freedom. This is a great scarify in staying all night awake in prayer before HIM the ONE who will set us free.
  • Attend regularly the Sacrament of Confession (that is at least monthly).
  • Do not miss Sunday Eucharist.
  • Pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet…[Divine Mercy Novena starts this Good Friday to finishing by Divine Mercy Sunday] Do it in groups or personally for the same cause and we will see God’s Mercy upon us and our Country.
  • Continue supporting all Catholic Organizations, catholic Schools, Institutions, etc.


Brother Knights, we cannot lose focus on Jesus Christ, we cannot lose our Moral Values. Keep the peace that comes from Jesus…… these coming few days are the most SACRED OF ALL DAYS!!! Stay in tune with your local parishes, attend the Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil Celebrations…… your faith will be renew!

You are in my prayers and in my Masses!

Yours in Christ, 
Rev. Carlos A. Gomez-Rivera 
AZ State Chaplain 
St. Augustine Catholic Church Phoenix



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