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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Stand Up for Freedom Rally Set for June 8 Phoenix and Tucson

Worthy Brother Knights:

As part of our mission to defend life I recommend that you attend the upcoming “Stand up for Religious Freedom Rally” being held on June 8, 2012 at Noon at the Federal Court Plaza, located at 401 W. Washington Street in downtown Phoenix and in Tucson, this will be at the Evo DeConcini Federal Courthouse located at 405 West Congress.

It is extremely important that we unite as Knights of Columbus, as Catholics, and as United States citizens. We should proudly stand in the public square and show that we value freedom and will not let our rights be taken away. In Phoenix, Bishops Olmsted and Nevares and many of our priests are expected to be in attendance.


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Message from Sumpreme Knight, Carl A. Anderson

Dear Brother Knight:
On May 28, 1977, Father Joseph Ratzinger — now Pope Benedict XVI — was consecrated a bishop. Today, to commemorate the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Pope’s episcopal ordination, I ask the 1.8 million members of the Knights of Columbus to remember our Pope in prayer next Sunday.
Before or after Mass on this coming Sunday, June 3, I urge every brother Knight, and his family, to offer an Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for the Pope’s intentions and in honor of his 35 years as a bishop.
At this important moment in the history of the Church and in the life of Pope Benedict XVI, it is important that we commit ourselves in prayer and solidarity to our Holy Father in a special way.
Please join me and brother Knights throughout our Order in this show of solidarity for our Pope.



Carl A. Anderson
Supreme Knight

Friday, May 25, 2012

Remembering our heroes

As you celebrate Memorial Day and this weekend, keep in your prayers all of our fallen military personnel who served to protect our freedoms.

Please click on the picture below to view a short video from the Knights of Columbus.

Remembering Our Heroes


Monday, May 21, 2012

Supreme Convention 2012

For reservations, click here.


Friday, May 18, 2012

For Greater Glory Schedule


Dear Mr.  Schuller,

I hope my e-mail finds you well. Thanks for everything you have been doing to promote this movie. As per our previous conversations, I am writing back to you because the film will be released in theaters nationwide on June 1, 2012. It would be great if in the following weeks you could help us to buy shows in advance with the persons you consider this possible.

I am enclosing to this email the list of theatres in your area that are already updated by zip code in our website, and that have the showtimes and where you can buy tickets.

It is our earnest hope that people of faith throughout the country will rally behind “For Greater Glory” and in doing so, will highlight the importance of religious freedom in the society.

With gratitude for your support and prayerful best wishes, I remain.

Sincerely yours,

Claudia Nemer




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KOCOA May 2012



State Newsletter Attached.   Please distribute widely. Thanks!

Click here for PDF.

John S. Garcia
Public Relations Director
Arizona State Council
(602) 525-4424

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Nativity Coloring Book

Click here for details on the Nativity Coloring Book for 2012

Fast on Fridays Program

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Photos From the Mexican Martyr Tour Ss Simon and Jude

Here are some photos from the Mexican Martyr Tour at Saint Simon and Jude.


Saturday, May 05, 2012

State Charity Raffle Update #10

A message from the State Raffle Director, Richard Armanini!  Any questions or comments should be forwarded to Richard at REArmani@cox.net or telephone 480.706.9314


This message was sent to all State Officers, District Deputies, and Insurance Agents.  In addition, it was sent to the Grand Knights, Deputy Grand Knights, Financial Secretaries, Treasurers and Raffle Chairmen. 

If no one from your council is attending the State Convention:

1.     Mail your ticket stubs, State Raffle Report [attached], and Council Check made out to Arizona State Council KofC

2.       Send everything to: 

                        Richard Armanini

                        3315 E Dry Creek Road

                        Phoenix AZ  85044-7022

3.     The absolute last day to mail them is May 15, 2012 and send them Priority Mail to guarantee they will arrive before we leave for the convention.

If someone from your council is attending the State Convention:

1.      Bring State Raffle Report [attached], ticket stubs and Council Check made out to Arizona State Council KofC to the convention at the Doubletree Hotel, 445 S. Alvernon Way, Tucson, Arizona 85711-4198

In either case:

2.     Remove the staple and tab from all books of tickets [separate the tickets]

3.      Stamp or write you council number on the back of the ticket stub

4.      Turn in the ticket stubs late Friday afternoon or Saturday morning before 12:00 noon

5.      Do not return the unused tickets.  Keep them and use as note pads

Thanks to everyone for your help with this very important Charity Raffle Fundraiser.

Richard Armanini

State Charity Raffle Director

3315 E Dry Creek Road

Phoenix, AZ  85044-7022

Telephone:  480.706.9314

Cell phone:  480.639.0590

"Leadership is action, not a position"

P Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Friday, May 04, 2012

Field of Dreams


Arizona Knights provide four Special Olympic Athletes a once in a lifetime experience at a recent Diamondbacks game.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Relics of Mexican Martyrs Come to Arizona

The relics of six Knights of Columbus priests, martyred during the period of anti-Catholic persecution in Mexico in the 1920s and 1930s began a pilgrimage of the United States in Houston on April 27. From May 10 through 15 2011, Arizona will be one of the first stops for the international tour.

May 10 - 11, 2012 - Tucson

The Relics will be at the Cathedral of St. Augustine and St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church from Thursday, May 10 through Friday May 11, 2012. During this stop on the tour, the Relics will be available at Saint Augustine's for veneration and visitation after the 8:30 a.m. Mass, from 9:30 a.m. Thursday morning until 8:00 p.m. in the evening. Then on Friday at St. John the Evangelist 9:15 a.m. after the Morning Mass until 9:00 p.m. that evening. from 2:00 p.m. till 4:00 p.m.

After their stop in Tucson, the Relics will travel to Phoenix where they will visit Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral Saturday and Sunday, May 12 and 13, 2012. 

May 12 - 13, 2012 - Phoenix

The Relics will be at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral from Saturday, May 12 through Sunday, May 13. During this weekend, the Relics will be available for veneration and visitation from 9:00 a.m. Saturday until 12:30 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. till 4:00 p.m. They will be present during all the Masses on Saturday and Sunday. The Relics will also be available for visitation on Sunday from 2:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m.

Mexican Martyrs - The Tour

The six priest martyrs — Fathers Pedro de Jesus Maldonado Lucero, Miguel de la Mora de la Mora, Jose Maria Robles Hurtado, Luis Batiz Sainz, Rodrigo Aguilar Alemán, and Mateo Correa Magallanes — all died for their faith at the hands of the Mexican government during the religious persecution in Mexico in the early 20th century.

The tour coincides with the release of both a major motion picture - For Greater Glory - and a book on the subject of the struggle for religious freedom in Mexico. The pilgrimage of these relics are hoped to remind us all of the sacrifices made on behalf of religious liberty on this continent less than 100 years ago.

For more information on the International Relics of the Mexican Martyrs Tour, visit the Knights of Columbus Supreme website: www.kofc.org. The local media contact for Arizona is John Garcia, State Public Relations Director. He can be reached at telephone (602) 525-4424, or by e-mail at garciakofc@cox.net.



Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Election Notes for the 2012 State Convention

Resolutions by Councils for eligible candidates must adhere to State Procedure VII (quoted below) and any and all campaign materials must be kept within the hospitality rooms.  If a Council passes a resolution announcing the availability of their candidate for State Office along with a list of qualifications, they may distribute it using the contacts listed in the State Directory only if they send it to the AZ State Executive Secretary (Rick Garrison) who will obtain the approval of the State Deputy then email the packages. If your package is approved, you may “snail mail” it also.
In addition to restrictions outside the hospitality rooms, any campaigning in any State Meeting during the Convention is also prohibited.  However, discussions of qualifications of candidates are allowed as long as it doesn’t cross the boundary of campaigning.
Because there have been instances of laxness in the past, The State Deputy has asked us to strictly enforce these rules
Arizona State Council
1. Campaigning, i.e., letters seeking support or endorsements and souvenirs issued for the sole purpose of gaining support for candidates is prohibited. However, discussions to determine who is willing to serve in office, and what their contributions and qualifications might be is permitted in order to make an intelligent decision at the time of elections.
2. Advertisements concerning the availability of a competent council member who is considered to be excellent state officer material are permitted. These ads may identify the state office being sought by the candidate. A council may adopt a resolution within their own council setting forth the qualifications of the brother. This resolution can then be mailed to other councils by a cover letter advising that the resolution was adopted by the membership. The cover letter cannot solicit support or endorsements for him.
3. Posters and pictures of a favorite son may be displayed in hospitality rooms or private rooms.
4. Ads and pictures of favorite sons may be included in the convention program provided they do not solicit support or endorsements.
Respectfully submitted,
Skip Hopler
State Advocate

April 20, 2012