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Friday, May 18, 2012

For Greater Glory Schedule


Dear Mr.  Schuller,

I hope my e-mail finds you well. Thanks for everything you have been doing to promote this movie. As per our previous conversations, I am writing back to you because the film will be released in theaters nationwide on June 1, 2012. It would be great if in the following weeks you could help us to buy shows in advance with the persons you consider this possible.

I am enclosing to this email the list of theatres in your area that are already updated by zip code in our website, and that have the showtimes and where you can buy tickets.

It is our earnest hope that people of faith throughout the country will rally behind “For Greater Glory” and in doing so, will highlight the importance of religious freedom in the society.

With gratitude for your support and prayerful best wishes, I remain.

Sincerely yours,

Claudia Nemer




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