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Monday, October 29, 2012

November - Giving Thanks and Sharing

Brother Knights ALL:
The month of November kicks off a special time of the year as we near the holiday of Thanksgiving Day.
We as Knights know that it is fitting to give thanks to Almighty God each and every day, and we just don’t reserve those thanks to once a year event.
Similarly the Knights of Columbus 365 initiative, which asks us to seek out candidates for Knighthood, is something we should do each and every day as well.
Have you asked someone to join the Knights? The charitable works of each council resonates as we help those in need. Why not share the great feeling we experience when we do those activities with others?
We ask God to bless you and your families.
Vivat Jesus!!
Ron Cacini
AZ State Membership Director
One Knight Per Council Per Month


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

KOCOA for August-October

Please disseminate the attached KOCOA as widely as possible.Thanks!

John S. Garcia
Public Relations Director
Arizona State Council

Friday, October 19, 2012

Silver Rose - Council 10799

Our Lady of Guadalupe Silver Rose Run - One Life, One Rose. OLM Council 10799 had the honor to display the Our Lady of Guadalupe Silver Rose on 29-30 September at the Our Lady of the Mountains Church in Sierra Vista, AZ. Students from the All Saints Catholic School (ASCS) and their teachers all had the opportunity to see the rose during their ASCS Children's Mass held on 28 September. The rose was also on display during our Saturday and Sunday Masses on 29-30 September. 
Vivat Jesus!

Tom Whipp, 

Council 10799 PGK


Monday, October 15, 2012

First Anniversary - Council 15376

Attached please find a letter of congratulations sent to St. Augustine Council 15376 on the first anniversary of its institution. 


Friday, October 12, 2012

Novena for Life and Liberty and Catholic Pulse

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has called on American Catholics to participate in a Rosary Novena for Life and Liberty Oct. 14-22.  Knights and their families, in solidarity with our bishops, are encouraged to unite in this prayer for the defense of human life and religious freedom in the United States and around the world.

Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore will lead a Mass and Pilgrimage for Life and Liberty at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., Sunday, Oct. 14, from 12 to 2:30 p.m. Those in Washington and nearby states who are able to attend are invited to participate in the Mass and Rosary, which will be broadcast by EWTN and other Catholic TV outlets.

More information about the novena and Mass is available at kofc.org/pilgrimage.

Knights are also invited to remain informed on current issues by means of CatholicPulse.com, a news portal operated by the K of C. CatholicPulse.com debuted Oct. 1, replacing Headline Bistro as the Order’s source of national, world and Vatican news for Knights and concerned Catholics. Catholic Pulse also provides thoughtful opinions and articles from top Catholic thinkers to help you understand the Church’s perspective on the issues of our day.

Visit CatholicPulse.com to sign up for daily email updates and remain engaged and informed about the news that affects our lives as Catholics every day.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Bishop's Hour and Catholics Matter

Knights of Columbus and the Arizona Rosary Celebration


These are two topics on this episode of Catholics Matter with Former State Chaplain Fr. Robert Clements. Watch Former District Master Mike Kingman and Former Supreme Master and Past Arizona State Deputy Larry Costanzo discuss the history of the Knights of Columbus and the upcoming Arizona Rosary Celebration.


Here is a link to the Catholics Matter episode: http://faithandlifetv.com/videos/catholics-matter-az-rosary-celebration


Listen to the interview of Larry Costanzo by Michael Dixon on the Bishop's Hour on Immaculate Heart Radio. Here is a link to the Bishop's Hour and the interview: http://thebishopshour.org/2012/10/01/oct-1-2012-year-of-faith-engaging-youth-and-arizona-rosary-celebration/



John S. Garcia
Public Relations Director
Arizona State Council


Arizona Knights sponsor statewide event expected to attract over 7,500 in Tucson and Phoenix

For over 36 years, the Diocese of Phoenix has been host to one of the largest annual public Rosary celebrations in the United States. Last year, the Arizona Rosary Celebration established the Rosary Sunday tradition within the Diocese of Tucson. This major celebration in honor of Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and is now held in conjunction with the Dioceses of Tucson and Phoenix and is assisted by many groups and organizations. The events are open to the public and admission is free.

The Arizona Rosary Celebration begins in Tucson on Saturday, October 20, 2012, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. It will take place at the Cathedral of Saint Augustine, located at 192 S. Stone Avenue. The Most Rev. Gerald F. Kicanas, Bishop of Tucson, will preside. The celebration continues in Phoenix on Sunday, October 21, 2012, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. at the Phoenix Convention Center, Halls F & G, 100 N. 3rd Street. The Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix, will preside. Also attending will be the Most Rev. Eduardo Nevares, Auxiliary Bishop of Phoenix.

The Arizona Rosary Celebration is honored to have as its main speaker Reverend Zachary of the Mother of God, SOLT. Father Zachary is the General Lay Servant of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT). He serves as the Priest Director of Administration and Formation for the Lay Faithful, traveling the United States and abroad teaching Catholics to live their Baptismal promises and respond to the Universal Call to Holiness. His participation in the Arizona Rosary Celebration is greatly anticipated.

There are many events related to the Arizona Rosary Celebration taking place on Friday and Saturday in Tucson, and on Saturday and Sunday in Phoenix. More information can be found on the website: www.azrosary.com.

The Knights of Columbus is the largest family fraternal service organization with over 1.8 million members in 10 countries including the Unites States, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, and Poland. Last year, the Knights of Columbus donated over $158 million to charities, and its members donated nearly 70 million man-hours in charitable projects.

Communications with the leadership of the celebration is done via E-mail: azrosary@yahoo.com. One can also follow the Arizona Rosary Celebration on Facebook: Arizonarosarycelebration. The media can contact John Garcia, Public Relations Director at telephone (602) 525-4424, or via e-mail: garciakofc@cox.net.

# # #

John S. Garcia
Public Relations Director
Arizona State Council
(602) 525-4424

Arizona State Council Hosting Chaplain Development Seminars

At the State Chaplains Meeting, held by Supreme on March 1-4, 2012, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson said, “We (as Knights) must embrace the renewal being carried out in the Catholic Church, and extend and promote that renewal.”  The Order, he continued, needs to be more than a gathering space and a way for Catholic men to get together. The Knights of Columbus also needs to be a conduit through which its members can become better husbands, fathers, workers, citizens, and patriots, grounded in principles of the Order – charity, unity and fraternity. The Knights of Columbus needs to be not just a monthly meeting, but a way of life that forms its members to be better Catholics. Chaplains, from the state level to the council chaplains, are the key to this formation.

Supreme Knight Anderson also spoke on the need for a strong relationship between the clergy and laity, and how such a relationship will in turn strengthen the parishes in which the Order is present. “We will keep our Church strong through parish-based councils. These councils and their members will keep the parishes active and healthy, the laity united with pastors and priests.”

In November 2012, the Arizona State Council is hosting Chaplain Development Seminars in both the Tucson and Phoenix Dioceses.  The purpose of the seminar is to help build this relationship with our Priests and strengthen our Order in Arizona.

Rev. John Grace, O.S.A., the Supreme Director of Chaplain Programs and Development will be leading these powerful seminars, along with Rev. Patrick Crino at the Diocese of Tucson seminar, and Rev. Carlos Gomez at the Diocese of Phoenix seminar. Rev. John Grace will give the Chaplains a roadmap to success, presented a new pamphlet called “10 Keys to Success for Chaplains.” Father Grace says that if Chaplains followed the 10 points, there would be a growth in spiritual development within the Order, and many more men would be attracted to join.

All Priests are invited to attend these informative seminars. We would like to have Council Chaplains, Assembly Faithful Friars, and any other Priests interested in learning more about the Knights of Columbus. Any Diocese of Gallup Priest serving in an Arizona Parish is welcome to attend either of these seminars, as well.  The same seminar will be delivered in both locations, so Priests can choose to attend the most convenient seminar at either Diocese’s office. Many of the State Officers are also attending to address any local questions or concerns. We will be serving a continental breakfast and lunch at the seminar, which will run from 9:00 AM to 1:00PM. Please be sure that your Parish Priests are invited and plan to attend this seminar. To allow for adequate seating and food, please RSVP to Sate Secretary Larry Becker by November 16, 2012, at azlarry@cox.net .

Diocese of Tucson Chaplain Development Seminar                                                                                                                               Tuesday November 27, 2012, 9:00AM to 1:00PM                                                                                                                                 Diocese of Tucson Bishop Moreno Pastoral Center                                                                                                                                       111 S. Church Ave,  Tucson, AZ  85702                                                                                                                                                              Rev. Pat Crino invited all the Priests in the Diocese of Tucson

Diocese of Phoenix Chaplain Development Seminar                                                                                                                        Wednesday November 28, 2012, 9:00AM to 1:00PM                                                                                                                           Diocese of Phoenix Diocesan Pastoral Center                                                                                                                                                   400 E. Monroe St., Phoenix, AZ 85004                                                                                                                                                               Rev. David Sanfilippo invited all the Priests in the Diocese of Phoenix 


Proclaim Liberty - New eBook by Supreme Knight Carl Anderson

Dear Brother Knight,

This November, we and our fellow citizens will exercise our right to vote. In their document Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, the Bishops of the United States have called "Catholics to form their consciences in the light of their Catholic faith and to bring our moral principles to the debate and decisions about candidates and issues."

Today, a new resource is available to help you and other Catholics form your conscience in keeping with our Catholic principles. A short new eBook by Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, Proclaim Liberty: Notes on the Next Great Awakening in America, brings the issues confronting us in political races and ballot initiatives large and small into focus, using the lens of Catholic social teaching.

Catholics now make up about a quarter of our country's population. The supreme knight's eBook shows how Catholics — by voting in a manner consistent with Catholic social teaching — can transcend our broken politics and excessive partisanship. It lays out a roadmap to truly transforming our country.

The eBook can be downloaded and read on your Kindle, Nook or other eReader. It can also be read on a tablet or computer if you download the free app or software. The cost of the eBook is $2.99 and, as with all of the supreme knight's books, all author proceeds go to charity.

More information, as well as links to eBook sellers, is available at:  kofc.org/proclaimliberty

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Knights at Luke AFB - Council 13024

Here are some pictures of Luke AFB KofC planting grass and flowers at the base Chapel on 6 Oct 2012. 

Joseph Vaughn



Monday, October 01, 2012

Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally - Phoenix

Dear Friends of Life,

We hope you can join us at the last Religious Freedom Rally being held before the election in November.  In addition, our very own  Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted and Ron Johnson of the Arizona Catholic Conference will be speaking at the rally. This is a crucial time to organize and promote our civic responsibilities so please spread the word! 

Rally Information:

On October 20, tens of thousands of faithful citizens will gather in prayer and public witness in cities and towns all across the United States to oppose the HHS Mandate and stand up in defense of our religious freedoms.

Join the Rally in Phoenix and say NO to the new U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Mandate, which forces employers—including religious charities—to provide free contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs in their health plans.

Event: Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally

When: Saturday, October 20 at 12:00 PM Noon

Where: Sandra day O’Connor Federal Court Building East Plaza, 401 W. Washington Street

Contact: Ann Swaziek, 602-577-4329 annswaziekwsurf@gmail.com

More Info: StandUpRally.com