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Thursday, December 20, 2012

CHRISTMAS GREETINGS from the State Deputy


from the State Deputy


December 2012

To all Arizona Knights of Columbus, their spouses, and loved ones,

          As the year 2012 comes to a close, Connie and I would like to take a moment to wish everyone a Christmas filled with joy and peace, and a blessed and Happy New Year!

          As we reflect on this past year, we realize how blessed we have been in the many friendships we have formed and in the support we have received from each and every one of you. 

We are continually amazed at the outpouring of selfless love and caring that is being shown to our brothers and sisters in Christ here in Arizona.  Whether it is in support of Special Olympics, Silver Rose, St. Vincent de Paul food bank collections, national disasters such as Hurricane Sandy or projects within your own neighborhoods, the Knights of Columbus continue to demonstrate to the communities around Arizona and the world that they truly are “the strong right arm of the Church”.

          As we begin the year 2013, let us keep in mind our responsibilities to uphold religious freedoms and the right to life.  Let us also continue to reflect on and participate in this “Year of Faith” by actively living our faith and inviting others to join our order so they too can live their faith more deeply.  As Pope Benedict said in a private audience with the Knights of Columbus in Oct. 2008, “may the Knights of Columbus discover ever new ways to serve as a leaven of the Gospel in the world and a force for the renewal of the Church in holiness and apostolic zeal”.

          May God continue to bless all of you and your families with good health, peace and happiness, and may He continue to bless the Knights of Columbus.

Vivat Jesus!

Bryant and Connie Sayers


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