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Monday, December 31, 2012

Year of Faith Website Launched!!!



Dear Chancery,


                Greetings in the joy of Faith!!!  As you know the Year of Faith begins tomorrow.  Please be sure to visit and promote www.CatholicFamilyPrayer.org as we begin this grace filled year.  Please watch the Bishop’s video which was just uploaded this afternoon. (Spanish website is www.oracionenfamilia.org)


                Top 5 Family Resources at CatholicFamilyPrayer.com


                5) Complete Year of Faith Calendar – Find out what is happening for the Year of Faith around the Diocese

                4) Parish Finder – Find a parish in your area or while on the road

                3) Going Deeper Resources – A selection of the best resources to dive deeper into your faith

                2) Weekly Mass Preperation – Resources for Children, Teens and Adults

                1) Monthly Prayer Sheet – Full of ideas, prayers and activities for families to engage the faith at home.


In His Service, 


Ryan Hanning M.Ed 


Director of Parish Leadership Support

Diocese of Phoenix

(602) 354-2321






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