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Friday, January 25, 2013

PWID Donations to Special Olympics Arizona

January 25, 2013

Worthy Grand Knights and Brothers All,

State Deputy Bryant Sayers and I had a great meeting on January 22, 2013 with Tim Martin, President and Chief Executive Officer of Special Olympics Arizona. Amongst other things we discussed our continued support for the Special Olympics Arizona and the best process for us to make donations to his organization.
Mr. Martin advised us that there are only 51 official Special Olympic 501c3 organizations in the United Sates. There is one for each State in the USA, as well as Puerto Rico. The local Special Olympic organizations all work within their State’s organization. Only the State level organization has a bank account.  All funds for Special Olympics must go through the State Organization.  They, in turn, keep track of funds donated to each community and supplies funds to them upon their request.
We expressed to Mr. Martin that our subordinate councils throughout Arizona want to make donations to support the activities happening in their local communities. He advised us to write all checks to “Special Olympics Arizona” and earmark the local activity in the Memo Line of the check.
Going forward, all checks written by the Arizona State Council for State and/or subordinate council’s PWID or other donations, to any Special Olympics organization in Arizona, will be written to “Special Olympics Arizona” and earmarked with the local activity in the Memo Line of the check. The subordinate council can request the original check be sent to the council, so they can present it to the local Special Olympic group. Otherwise, the original check will be sent directly to the Special Olympics Arizona headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona and a copy of the check will be sent to the council as proof of the check being written.
We assured Mr. Martin that the Arizona Knights of Columbus will continue to support Arizona Special Olympics at the State and local level.  We look forward to a fruitful partnership with this organization.
Please reach out to State Secretary Larry Becker at azlarry@cox.net for any question or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Secretary


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