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Friday, March 22, 2013

Tucson Chapter Hosts Priest Appreciation Dinner

The Chief Judge John M. Roll Chapter hosted its annual Priest Appreciation Dinner Thursday evening March 7, 2013. Tucson Council 1200 hosted the dinner on behalf of the Chapter.

Many Priests from around the Tucson Diocese attended as well as Brothers, Deacons, Seminarians and of course many Knights.

District Deputy Mario Vassallo, President of the Chapter and State Deputy Bryant Sayers each presented checks for $3,200.00 to Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas for the Tucson Diocese.

Mario noted the many positive activities of the Chief Judge John M. Roll Chapter this fraternal year, including round tables and support for the Benedictine Sister of Perpetual Adoration at the Benedictine Monastery and the Sisters of Immaculate Heart of Mary at their chapel and convent. The round table to the IHM convent began this year under the guidance of Ray Obral, Former District Deputy and Ricardo Preciado, Grand Knight of Co. 8077.

The chapter also obtained a grant for the restoration of the statues in the Garden of Gethsemane in Tucson from the Salvador Foundation of Colorado. The Chapter is overseeing the work of the artist in restoring the statues. Photos of the restoration project may be seen at the chapter’s photo site at http://tucsonchapterkofc.shutterfly.com/.


The chapter also recently sponsored a fundraiser piano concert February 23, 2013 on behalf of the Benedictine Monastery. Sir Knight William Gilman performed works of Franz List and Frederic Chopin at the St. Augustine Cathedral in Tucson. The preliminary estimate is that over $7,000 was raised for the Sisters.


Tucson Chapter Concert Raises Over $7,000 for Benedictine Sisters

The Chief Judge John M. Roll Chapter in Tucson sponsored a Piano Concert on February 23 that raised over $7,000 on behalf of the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration at the Benedictine Monastery in Tucson.

Sir Knight William Gilman performed works by Franz Liszt and Frederic Chopin and gave a verbal narrative about the composers between selections.

Sir Knight Joe Aycock created a beautiful metal sculpture and donated it to be raffled off at the concert. The Sisters also donated a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe to be raffled off.


Sir Knight Gilman is a Tucson winter guest and member of the Knights of Columbus who has graciously donated his talent, time and effort to the planning of this effort over the last two years. As a student of the life and 19th century music of Franciscan monk Franz Liszt, Mr. Gilman told us of this famous catholic musician’s zest for life, his failings, and quest for God.


William Gilman studied music at the Cornish School of Allied Arts in Seattle, Washington and graduated with a degree in music at Centralia College.  He went on to The Evergreen State College to earn a degree in Computer Science and Labor Studies.  After retiring in 2001 from the State of Washington, he earned his Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies at Seattle University and became a Catholic Chaplain working in the Washington State prisons and a hospital Chaplain in Olympia. While in the US Army, he worked on several musicals with the USO in Germany.

You can see more photos of the concert and other Tucson Chapter activities at the Chapter’s web site http://www.tucsonknights.com and our photo site http://tucsonchapterkofc.shutterfly.com/.

Weber Assembly Donates to VA Hospital


The Msgr. James T. Weber raised $1,400.00 at their annual Veterans Benefit Dinner last November. Recently Faithful Navigator John Myers and Color Corps Commander Terry Lingrel presented the check to the Veterans Administration. The money will be used for the benefit of veterans hospitalized at the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Message from the Supreme Knight on Election of Pope Francis I

Supreme Knight Carl Anderson and the 1.8 million members of the Knights of Columbus extend cordial best wishes and prayers to our newly elected pope. The election of Pope Francis - the first pope from the American hemisphere - highlights the fact that America is the continent of baptized Christians, and a place of central importance to the faith today. Pope Francis is well known also for his emphasis on charity - the first principle of the Knights of Columbus. Both in our efforts for evangelization and in our charitable work, we will strive with him to bring the light of Christ to the people of our continent during his historic pontificate.

Good Friday with Bishop Olmsted - Please Disseminate Widely


Quick reminder of Good Friday prayer vigil for life with Bishop Olmsted on March 29th, outside of Planned Parenthood in Glendale.

Here is a message to include in a bulletin or email chain:



Please join Bishop Olmsted in the 9th annual Good Friday

Rosary for Life. Friday, March 29, 2013 Bishop Olmsted will lead

the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries of the Rosary

From 11 am to 12pm at the Glendale Planned Parenthood,

5771 W. Eugie Ave. Glendale. Following the Rosary will be the

closing Program of _40 Days for Life; _to conclude at 1:15pm.


Thank you for all your support for Life. May God Bless Pope Francis!

Matt Anderson

Coordinator of Respect Life Parish Leadership Support

St Joseph Assembly 2126 PSA Dinner/Blue Mass

St. Joseph Assembly #2126 proudly announces;

The Tenth Annual Public Safety Appreciation Dinner and Blue Mass will be held on Saturday, April 20 at St. Helen Catholic Church.

The church is located at 5510 W. Cholla (55 ave & north of Peoria).

We will be honoring the Police Officers and Firefighters from Glendale, Peoria and Luke Air Force Base.

The keynote speaker will be the Honorable Mayor of Glendale, Jerry Weiers.

A special “Blue Mass” will be celebrated in honor of all of our First Responders, and all the celebrants and servers will be Knights.

The mass begins at 5:30pm, with social hour from 6:30pm and dinner at 7:30pm.

Tickets are available from members or the St. Helen’s gift shop. Tickets are priced at $25 each or $20 for those in uniform.

We continue to seek advertisers for our program and raffle prizes. If you have a business and would like to make a tax deductible donation, please call me at 602-738-5607 or email Lrheaume@msn.com.


Leonard Rheaume

Faithful Navigator #2126

Monday, March 04, 2013

K of C Charity Raffle Update #4

There is a very good reason so many Bud Light commercials are on TV during sports events. Marketing people know that the more you hear a product name the more likely you will buy the produce. The same is true for the Charity Raffle.

Attached is a document, ‘Information for Brother Knights’ that included motivational charts and tables. It is best to share this information one page at a time over the next couple of months. However, you decide how and when you give your members the material. The more members know about the raffle, the better job they will do raising money for charity.

Page 8 of this document lists ‘Best Practices’. These items were due in January and February. However, there is still time to do these things. It is better to do them late than not at all.

State Goal is $250,000. Stretch goal is $253,600. [If we reach our stretch goal, every council that sells one of the ten winning tickets receives a $500 bonus. See Sales Incentives on page 14 of the 2013 Sales Guide.]

The total sales as of today are $9,115 which is 3.6% of our state goal.

Saturday, March 02, 2013

SJYC Employment notice 2013

Please see the attached flyer for employment opportunities for St Joseph Youth Camp.