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Friday, March 22, 2013

Tucson Chapter Hosts Priest Appreciation Dinner

The Chief Judge John M. Roll Chapter hosted its annual Priest Appreciation Dinner Thursday evening March 7, 2013. Tucson Council 1200 hosted the dinner on behalf of the Chapter.

Many Priests from around the Tucson Diocese attended as well as Brothers, Deacons, Seminarians and of course many Knights.

District Deputy Mario Vassallo, President of the Chapter and State Deputy Bryant Sayers each presented checks for $3,200.00 to Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas for the Tucson Diocese.

Mario noted the many positive activities of the Chief Judge John M. Roll Chapter this fraternal year, including round tables and support for the Benedictine Sister of Perpetual Adoration at the Benedictine Monastery and the Sisters of Immaculate Heart of Mary at their chapel and convent. The round table to the IHM convent began this year under the guidance of Ray Obral, Former District Deputy and Ricardo Preciado, Grand Knight of Co. 8077.

The chapter also obtained a grant for the restoration of the statues in the Garden of Gethsemane in Tucson from the Salvador Foundation of Colorado. The Chapter is overseeing the work of the artist in restoring the statues. Photos of the restoration project may be seen at the chapter’s photo site at http://tucsonchapterkofc.shutterfly.com/.


The chapter also recently sponsored a fundraiser piano concert February 23, 2013 on behalf of the Benedictine Monastery. Sir Knight William Gilman performed works of Franz List and Frederic Chopin at the St. Augustine Cathedral in Tucson. The preliminary estimate is that over $7,000 was raised for the Sisters.



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