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Friday, March 22, 2013

Tucson Chapter Concert Raises Over $7,000 for Benedictine Sisters

The Chief Judge John M. Roll Chapter in Tucson sponsored a Piano Concert on February 23 that raised over $7,000 on behalf of the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration at the Benedictine Monastery in Tucson.

Sir Knight William Gilman performed works by Franz Liszt and Frederic Chopin and gave a verbal narrative about the composers between selections.

Sir Knight Joe Aycock created a beautiful metal sculpture and donated it to be raffled off at the concert. The Sisters also donated a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe to be raffled off.


Sir Knight Gilman is a Tucson winter guest and member of the Knights of Columbus who has graciously donated his talent, time and effort to the planning of this effort over the last two years. As a student of the life and 19th century music of Franciscan monk Franz Liszt, Mr. Gilman told us of this famous catholic musician’s zest for life, his failings, and quest for God.


William Gilman studied music at the Cornish School of Allied Arts in Seattle, Washington and graduated with a degree in music at Centralia College.  He went on to The Evergreen State College to earn a degree in Computer Science and Labor Studies.  After retiring in 2001 from the State of Washington, he earned his Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies at Seattle University and became a Catholic Chaplain working in the Washington State prisons and a hospital Chaplain in Olympia. While in the US Army, he worked on several musicals with the USO in Germany.

You can see more photos of the concert and other Tucson Chapter activities at the Chapter’s web site http://www.tucsonknights.com and our photo site http://tucsonchapterkofc.shutterfly.com/.


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