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Saturday, April 06, 2013

April 2013 Mojo...


We are making progress, but we have a ways to go. Our membership growth is like sitting on second base, with the score tied, bottom of the 8th inning, a solid hit can make a big difference.

Has your council made a difference? Have you added one new member each month? I know some have, which means all councils have opportunities. See the attached for ideas, and steps you can take to make that difference.

We have excitement in that this is the first time in history that we have two living Popes at one time. Pope Francis I is an inspiration, and should give us hope that the focus of his message and our religion is to assist the needy (Charity!!!). Sound familiar??

This should be the main message as you talk to potential candidates. The Knights of Columbus are in concert with the Pope’s desires, and we need to capitalize on that Mojo.

Vivat Jesus!!

Ron Cacini

AZ State Membership Director



One Knight Per Council Per Month




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