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Friday, July 12, 2013

Membership Goals - July

Worthy Brothers,

Today is Friday, July 12, 2013.  Have you planned to make your membership goal yet?
Idea #1 – Order-wide, almost half of the members we bring in are reduced by other members who leave.  You can make a difference by making sure that all of your members are invited to join in the works of the Order and of your Council.  Involved members tend to stay in the Knights while those who never participate often stop paying dues and are dropped.  Arrange to place new members on your Council phone tree and email list immediately.  Use the interest survey at the bottom of the form 100 to enroll them in one or more of your service committees.
Idea #2 - Mentoring - Set up a mentoring program in your Council and ask the Chancellor to follow-up with the mentors quarterly.  A simple plan for Mentoring would be to assign a Brother Knight (one with similar interests and profile) to each new recruit.  Younger Knights for young recruits, Brothers with families with new Knights with families, etc.  Their job is to communicate with the new member monthly by inviting him to meetings, activities, parish events, or simply to meet as friends.  Part of the mentoring process is to invite and escort your new Knight to Degree ceremonies.  Your goal would be to advance him to the 3rd (or even the 4th) Degree within a year.  This mentoring should continue for approximately one full year.
Please forward this and future Membership Monday messages to other Brother Knights.  Also, feel free to call or email me with your favorite membership ideas so Brothers across the State may benefit from your experiences.

Vivat Jesus!!

Ron Cacini
AZ State Membership Director
One Knight Per Council Per Month



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