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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Corpus Christi Council 10062 Year of Faith Award

Corpus Christi Council #10062 was the recipient of the Year of Faith Award.
The activities included:

Faith Professed:  
Distributed Holy Cards and Rosary Beads after all Masses in October 2012 and May 2013
Co-Chaplain Fr. Rafael Bercasio lectured membership on vocations during general council meeting in January 2013.
Council supported 3 seminarians with monthly cash donations throughout the year ($200 per month each)
GK travel throughout Phoenix area in support of the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe – presentations to school children throughout the week and parishoners after Masses on weekends.
Justice for All a Pro-Life program for college and high school kids – we provided funds, food and a venue for the program
Faith Lived:
Knight’s Kids – provided funds and personnel for a Christmas “shopping spree” for underprivileged children from Guadalupe, AZ.  47 children at approx. $120 per child.
Food collected during 2 food drives – food donated to SVdP
Donations to SVdP $9,500 and to St. Mary’s Food Bank $3,000, Down Syndrome Network $4,700.
Faith Celebrated:
Corporate Communion held monthly Oct 2012 through July 2013.  Now held 1/qtr. Social follows Mass.
Weekly Adoration conducted by 20+ K of C members
Rosary prayed in Adoration Chapel on 3 occasions.
Faith Prayed:
AZ Rosary Celebration – council rented bus for parishoners as well as 20 K of C volunteers at event.
Catholic Men’s Conference – 16 K of C attendees
600 Rosary beads donated to Seton Catholic High School for student event.

Dennis Sullivan
Grand Knight


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