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Thursday, January 02, 2014

Pro-Life Events

The following is a list of Pro-life Activities taking place during the month of January, 2014. Please forward this information to all Councils and Assemblies.
The Center for Arizona Policy will host a Capitol Prayer Walk on Monday, January 13, 2014, from 7:00 a.m to 8:30 a.m. Marchers will assemble at the Arizona State Capitol flag pole at 7:00 a.m. They will proceed from there to the Capitol lawn between the Senate and House of Representatives for prayer by 7:10 a.m. At 8:00 a.m. the prayer walkers will gather and pray for elected leaders. The address for the capitol is 1700 W. Washington, Phoenix, AZ 85007. Free parking is available at the Southeast corner of Washington and 17th Avenue. The link below will provide you with a helpful flyer about the event: http://www.azpolicy.org/media-uploads/pdfs/PrayerWalkFlier.pdf
The Diocese of Tucson's annual March For Life, will take place Saturday, January 18, 2014. The day begins with a Mass at 9:00 a.m. at St. Augustine Cathedral, 192 S. Stone Ave. Following Mass, all are invited to walk just over four miles to Holy Hope Catholic Cemetery, 3555 N. Oracle Road. A Rally will take place there at the Statute of Rachel at abut 12:30 p.m. Click on the link below for more information: http://www.newvisiononline.org/2014/pro-life-advocates-to-march-for-life-in-tucson/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+newvisiononline%2FScLd+%28The+New+Vision+-+The+diocesan+newspaper+for+the+Diocese+of+Tucson%29
In Casa Grande, they will have the 2014 Life Walk and Diaper Dive. The event takes place Saturday, January 18, 2014. It begins at Peart Park, 350 East 6th Street, Casa Grande, AZ. Check in time is at 10:00 a.m. The walk take place between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. The Rose Ceremony will take place following the two-mile walk. Walkers are encouraged to bring diapers for sizes 3-5 to support the local Crisis Pregnancy Center. Click here for more information: http://www.casagrandelifewalk.com/
Also on Saturday, January 18, 2014, the Diocese of Phoenix will hold the first Arizona Catholics United Pro-Life Leadership Conference. It will take place at  Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral and Hall, 6351 N. 27th Ave., Phoenix. The day will begin with Mass at 8:30 a.m., followed by conference until 3:30 p.m. Rita Dillard of American Life League will keynote. Each Parish or organization may send two attendees. This is an educational event.
The Diocese of Phoenix will hold its annual Pro-Life Mass on Sunday, January 19, 2014, at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral, 6351 N. 27th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, 85017. The Mass will begin at 9:00 a.m. The Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix, will preside.
Arizona Right to Life is sponsoring the 2014 Sanctity of Life Sunday Prayer Rally on Sunday, January 19, 2014. It will take place at Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza, 1700 W. Washington, Phoenix, AZ 85007. The rally begins at 2:00 p.m. Speakers include: Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix; The Honorable Nancy Barto, District 17 State Senator; Mr. Fernando Amaro, Hispanic Ministries Facilitator for the Arizona Southern Baptist Convention; Mr. Aaron Dailey of the Redemption Church; and Rev. John Muir, Parochial Administrator of St. Rose Duchesne Catholic Church in Anthem. Click on the link for more information: www.azliferally.org
On January 24, 2014, the Diocese of Phoenix will sponsor the annual Youth and Young Adult Pro-Life Rally. The event will take place between 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. The rally begins at the ASU Newman Center. Music will be provided by Chris Muglia and Band. the event includes an A-Mountain Eucharistic Procession with the Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix. The Keynote speaker is Stephanie Gray of the Canadian Bioethics Centre. Her information can be found at:  http://www.unmaskingchoice.ca/about/staff/590 The event is open to pro-life supporters of all ages.
John S. Garcia
Public Relations Director
Arizona State Council
(602) 525-4424


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