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Thursday, February 27, 2014

K of C Charity Raffle Update #3 Manual and letters

By now, all councils should have received a supply of Charity Raffle tickets, letters for the Grand Knight, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and Raffle Chairman along with a manual for each.

In the past four years, we have established the AZ Charity Raffle team members as the State Officers, District Deputies, and Insurance Field Agents.  These leaders make up the outside team since they are outside the council.  In the past, we also gave each council Grand Knight a letter and Charity Raffle Guide [Manual] to share with their Raffle Chairman. 
This year we expanded the council team to include not only the Grand Knight and Raffle Chairman but also the Financial Secretary and Treasurer.  Each plays an important role in the success of the raffle program so they also received a letter and manual.  These four officers make up the inside team. 
State Officers, District Deputies, Field Agents, and Tucson Council 1200 have extra tickets.
God Bless you, your council, and the AZ Charity Raffle!
Richard Armanini
State Charity Raffle Director
3315 E Dry Creek Road
Phoenix, AZ  85044-7022
Telephone:  480.706.9314
Cell phone:  480.818.1774

"Leadership is action, not a position"
P Please consider the environment before printing this email.


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