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Monday, March 31, 2014

Food Donation for Tri-Community Food Bank

   Knights of Council 5542 presented their second $300 check to Tri-Community Food Bank Treasurer Joyce McClung recently.  Along with more than a half ton of food collected last November, the monetary donations come from the Knights of Columbus Supreme's "Food for Families" rebate program.
   Pictured (l to r) are Bob Muller, Dofie Mendibles, Joyce McClung, Grand Knight Jerry Bribiescas, Frank Gonzales and Bernie Finch.
   KofC Council 5542 serves Mammoth, San Manuel and Oracle.

St. Patrick's & Statue of Life Check Presentations to Father

Knights of Santa Catalina Council 12345 donated a lot of green, if not a pot of gold, to Fr. Larry Sanders after their annual St. Patrick's Day celebration.

PGK Paul Darcy and Dave Stevens of Santa Catalina Council 12345 present Fr. Larry Sanders, pastor and chaplain at Santa Catalina, a check for nearly $15,000 for the recently completed "Garden of Life."

K of C Charity Raffle Update #5

A message from the State Raffle Director, Richard Armanini!  Any questions or comments should be sent to Richard at richard.armanini@gmail.com or telephone 480.818.1774.  Reply to this message, Delete Rick Garrison before sending.  PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR FULL NAME, COUNCIL NUMBER, POSITION, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER AT THE END OF THE MESSGE. 

 This message was sent to the Charity Raffle Team of State Officers, District Deputies, Grand Knights, Riffle Chairman, Financial Secretaries, Faithful Navigators, and Field Agents. 
April starts the last full month we have to sell raffle tickets.  This is our time for a reality check on where we are in raffle sales.  What percent of our goal have you sold?   If you are at your goal, set a stretch goal for the last month.  If not, you still have time to take positive action such as communicating with your members using your newsletter, e-mail, and church bulletin to tell them the percent of goal and to remind them to return sold tickets. 

State Officers, District Deputies, Field Agents, Council 1200 [Tucson] and I have tickets if you need more to finish your sales. 

God Bless you, your council, and the Charity Raffle!

Richard Armanini
State Charity Raffle Director
3315 E Dry Creek Road
Phoenix, AZ  85044-7022
Telephone:  480.706.9314
Cell phone:  480.818.1774

"Leadership is action, not a position"
P Please consider the environment before printing this email.

2014-Substance Abuse Poster Contest Winners

Thank you to all the Councils that participated in the 2014 Substance Abuse Poster Contest.

The Winning Posters were previewed last week at the Basketball Free Throw Finals in Tucson.

This contest is a testament of our young people's vision, creatively expressed in their; Slogan, Artistic Merit and Overall Impact.

The winners will receive, by April 30, 2014, a letter by Bryant Sayers-State Deputy and a $50.00 Gift Card and will be sent to the attention of the Grand Knight of the entering Council. The winning entries will be entered for the Supreme International Competition.

The 2014 Substance Abuse Poster Contest Winners are:

Age 12-14: Drug Awareness & Abuse-Cheyenne Mulroy, Council 12851
Age 12-14: Alcohol Awareness & Abuse-Candy Garza, Council 12851

Age 8-11  : Drug Awareness & Abuse;
                 Joey Sanchez-Council 1031
                 Collier Trcic-Council 2493

Age 8-11  : Alcohol Awareness & Abuse;  
                 Issac McKean-Council 2493
                 Selena Cardenas-Council 12696

Congratulations to all the participants of this year's program.
Winning entries as attached.

Vivat Jesus,

-Rudy Cavolina, 
 Program Director
 Arizona State Council
 Knights of Columbus

     Inline image 1
'One Member, Per Council, Per Month'

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Council 8386 - Parish Program

On Saturday, February 15th the members of Mary, Queen of the Knights Council #8386 organized and hosted a parish-wide "Valentine Marriage Vow Renewal and Potluck Dinner" at St. Germaine Parish in Prescott Valley, Az.

Fr. Dan Vollmer officiated at this unique event, reinforcing the sacramental bond of marriage over the romantic notion of marriage. "81" couples congregated in the church after Friday evening's mass and renewed their commitment to each other before God and their fellow parishioners. "131" people then walked across the grounds and further celebrated this event by partaking in a parish-wide potluck dinner in the parish hall. After the meal and plenty of desserts, Fr. Dan drew tickets for one of the "22" door prizes provided by the Knights.

All of the parishioners who attended were delighted to participate in this special event and a number of them later contacted the parish hall and requested that this become an annual event.

Submitted by:

Paul Barko, GK
Council #8386

Logan De Rosier Council 7521 Activities

 The first attachment was when our council painted the exterior of our parish Our Lady of Lourdes, in Benson. The materials and labor were donated from our council funds.

The second and third attachment is of our continuing scrap metal drive, in which our parishioners donate any thing metallic and the Knights of our council coordinate it's pick up and removal, so far nothing has been to small or to big. The proceeds go to such projects such as the painting of our church.
The forth attachment is of a handicap ramp we built for a Brother Knight who passed away just prior to it's completion, but is being used by his widow daily.
Thank you in advance.
Vivat Jesus!!
Daniel Z. Garcia, GK

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

K of C Charity Raffle Update #4

A message from the State Raffle Director, Richard Armanini!  Any questions or comments should be sent to Richard at richard.armanini@gmail.com or telephone 480.818.1774.  Reply to this message, Delete Rick Garrison before sending.  PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR FULL NAME, COUNCIL NUMBER, POSITION, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER AT THE END OF THE MESSGE. 
 This message was sent to the Charity Raffle Team of State Officers, District Deputies, Grand Knights, Riffle Chairman, Financial Secretaries, Faithful Navigators, and Field Agents. 
Four questions and answers about the Charity Raffle
Q1: Can the winner of a trip take cash instead of the trip?            Short Answer NO!

More information:

1. The total list of prizes is worth $25,430 up from $25,019 last year.
2. The first, second, and third prizes are vacation packages and can only be redeemed as such within one year of the raffle. Winners may use the value of their prize trip as a credit toward another vacation package of their choice. If their chosen package is greater in value than the prize they won, the winner is responsible for the difference in cost.
3. Winners may transfer their trip to a third party or organization, if they so desire. Notify us of the transfer within 60 days of the raffle. All time constraints would still apply. Work with the travel agent if there is a problem with travel dates.
4. Since we have already paid for the trips, cash is not an option for the first three prizes.
5. Winners must confirm their acceptance of the prize within 30 days of being notified by returning a copy of the letter we send them asking for a signature and their social security number.
6. The original winners are responsible for all taxes.

Q2:  Is this raffle tax deductible to buyer of tickets since all the money is going to 501C3 charities?  Short Answer NO! 

More information: 
The Internal Revenue Service, in its Publication 526 Charitable Contributions, states that taxpayers cannot take a charitable deduction for money paid to purchase raffle tickets from nonprofit organizations. The IRS includes raffle tickets in its list of "contributions you cannot deduct."
If you receive or expect to receive a financial or economic benefit because of contributing to a qualified organization, you cannot deduct the part of the contribution that represents the value of the benefit you receive.   You cannot deduct as a charitable contribution amounts you pay to buy raffle or lottery tickets or to play bingo or other games of chance.
Q3:  Who is the ‘seller of the ticket’?  When a Brother Knight buys tickets, he is the seller of the ticket.  The seller of a winning ticket will receive $100. Put your name or member number on the front of the ticket to be eligible.  All ten [10] prizes on the ticket are eligible for the sellers award.  If you give outside groups tickets to sell for your council, [example: St Vince de Paul] the person from that group who sells the ticket/s is the seller and entitled to the $100 bonus.  Outside groups need to be 501c3 eligible and are pro-life.  Catholic Churches, Catholic Schools, and Church Ministries are eligible.  The bonus is to encourage sales. 
Q4:  Are the trips for two?  Short Answer YES!
More information:  All trips include airfare, ground transfers, lodging, and transportation for two.
God Bless you, your council, and the Charity Raffle!

Richard Armanini
State Charity Raffle Director
3315 E Dry Creek Road
Phoenix, AZ  85044-7022
Telephone:  480.706.9314
Cell phone:  480.818.1774

"Leadership is action, not a position"
P Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Sunday, March 09, 2014

K of C Support of Big Brothers / Big Sisters

Attached is a photo taken on Saturday, March 8th at a local Bowling Alley in Prescott Valley, Az. 

Members of Council #8386 in PV joined forces with the local BB/BS and raise $1,681.00 to help match locals kids with Big Brothers / Big Sisters. Our members and family members spent  time getting sponsors and then attended the Saturday event to "Bowl for KIds

Our Youth Chairman, Cher Vang (front row right side) and our Recorder, Ben Taylor, Sr. (holding his baby son) organized the event for our council. 


Submitted by Grand Knight, Paul Barko
Council #8386 / Prescott Valley, Az.

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

St. Paul 15001 Free Throw

Our own Dan Weege, District Chairman for the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition, reports that on Saturday February 15, 2014 the District Youth Free Throw Competition, was held on at the Notre Dame High School gymnasium. He said “I'm so grateful to Tom Horyza the varsity basketball coach and Monica Barrett the athletic director at Notre Dame Prep for allowing us the use of their school gymnasium. It's a wonderful facility. We look forward to working with them for years to come.” 
The officiating crew was led by Dan Weege, who was assisted by Joe Schumacher as well as the District Deputy, John McNulty, who came along with a Brother Knight from his Council to assist. As for all the participants, there were three other kids from other Councils in the district. Two others were out of town and therefore could not participate. Dan reports that he is thrilled to report that our Council Champions swept the district competition and will all be moving on to the state championship in Tucson! 

Sunday, March 02, 2014

District 15 Free Throw Contest

District 15 Winners
Girls 10 Melissa Gonzales of 3855, 11 Lynette Torres of 7465, 12 Abigail
Dewitt of 7465, 13 Michelle Nguyen of 11738, 14 Rachel Hammons of 7465.

Boys 9 Nicholas Nguyen of 11738, 11 Bryan Gerkensmeyer of 3855, 12 Anthony
Lopez of 3855, 13 Noah Farnsworth of 7465, 14 Brandon Jirak of 7114.

On February 22 District 15 held the Knights Of Columbus free throw contest
at Bourgade Catholic High School. I want to congratulate all the winners
the participants and the Councils for the their participation.

The State Contest this year will be in Tucson on March 23rd at:
8800 E 22nd Street Tucson, AZ
Registration is a 12 PM
Competition starts at 1 PM

Vivat Jesus!

Joe Danko DD 15

K of C Chief Judge John Roll Chapter

The Celebration of Artwork Restoration at the Garden of Gethsemane took place Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2014. Many dignitaries were on hand for the occasion marking the completion of nearly a two year effort in planning and execution. Dignitaries present included Fred H. Gray Jr., Director, Tucson Parks and Recreation Department, Jonathon Rothschild, Mayor of Tucson, Richard Elias, Pima County Board of Supervisors District 5, Regina Romero, Council Member, Ward 1, Richard G. Fimbres, Council Member, Ward 5, Bryant Sayers, Knights of Columbus AZ State Deputy, Mary Gardner, Secretary/Treasurer of the Salvador Foundation and Most Rev. Gerald F. Kicanas, D.D., Bishop of Tucson who blessed the statues.

The Knights of Columbus thank the Salvador Foundation who provided grant funds of $51,000 and the artist Gregory Schoon for the many hours of work and skill that went into the effort. Special thanks to Sir Knight Ralph Montijo who worked to obtain the grant, find and contract with the artist and manage the project from conception to successful completion.

You can view the photo album of the event here