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Monday, March 31, 2014

K of C Charity Raffle Update #5

A message from the State Raffle Director, Richard Armanini!  Any questions or comments should be sent to Richard at richard.armanini@gmail.com or telephone 480.818.1774.  Reply to this message, Delete Rick Garrison before sending.  PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR FULL NAME, COUNCIL NUMBER, POSITION, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER AT THE END OF THE MESSGE. 

 This message was sent to the Charity Raffle Team of State Officers, District Deputies, Grand Knights, Riffle Chairman, Financial Secretaries, Faithful Navigators, and Field Agents. 
April starts the last full month we have to sell raffle tickets.  This is our time for a reality check on where we are in raffle sales.  What percent of our goal have you sold?   If you are at your goal, set a stretch goal for the last month.  If not, you still have time to take positive action such as communicating with your members using your newsletter, e-mail, and church bulletin to tell them the percent of goal and to remind them to return sold tickets. 

State Officers, District Deputies, Field Agents, Council 1200 [Tucson] and I have tickets if you need more to finish your sales. 

God Bless you, your council, and the Charity Raffle!

Richard Armanini
State Charity Raffle Director
3315 E Dry Creek Road
Phoenix, AZ  85044-7022
Telephone:  480.706.9314
Cell phone:  480.818.1774

"Leadership is action, not a position"
P Please consider the environment before printing this email.


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