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Tuesday, March 04, 2014

St. Paul 15001 Free Throw

Our own Dan Weege, District Chairman for the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition, reports that on Saturday February 15, 2014 the District Youth Free Throw Competition, was held on at the Notre Dame High School gymnasium. He said “I'm so grateful to Tom Horyza the varsity basketball coach and Monica Barrett the athletic director at Notre Dame Prep for allowing us the use of their school gymnasium. It's a wonderful facility. We look forward to working with them for years to come.” 
The officiating crew was led by Dan Weege, who was assisted by Joe Schumacher as well as the District Deputy, John McNulty, who came along with a Brother Knight from his Council to assist. As for all the participants, there were three other kids from other Councils in the district. Two others were out of town and therefore could not participate. Dan reports that he is thrilled to report that our Council Champions swept the district competition and will all be moving on to the state championship in Tucson! 


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