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Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day - Holy Cross Cemetary

A Solemn Remembrance
Remembering those who ransomed our freedom with their lives, the Knights of Columbus participated in Memorial Day services at our Arizona Catholic cemeteries on Monday, May 26, 2014. In particular, our Fourth Degree turned out in regalia to honor our fallen men and women of the armed forces and to acknowledge the great sacrifice that they made.  The accompanying photos happen to be taken at a Memorial Mass at Holy Cross Cemetery in Avondale but is typical of the callout responses across the State.  Thanks to Brother Anthony Abramo of Council #7306 for taking the accompanying photos.

Sir Knights from Buckeye to Mesa participated in the Memorial Mass at Holy Cross cemetery in Avondale on Monday, May 26th . Assemblies represented were #3231 from Buckeye, #2736 from Mesa, #3145 from Phoenix, #2126 from Glendale, #1805 from Phoenix, #1294 in Glendale, and #2669 from Avondale for a total of 20 SKs. 

SKs preparing to receive the Eucharist at the Mass at Holy Cross cemetery.  The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Pedro Velez from Blessed Sacrament parish in Tolleson and was assisted by Dcn Greg Galloway.

Color Corps Commander SK Don Gorney (in purple chapeaux) from St. Joseph Assembly #2126 in Glendale leads the column of SKs at the conclusion of the Mass.

Fr. Pedro Velez (in white, on right), pastor of Blessed Sacrament parish in Tolleson, is saluted by the Honor Guard after he celebrated the Memorial Mass at Holy Cross cemetery.


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