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Friday, May 16, 2014

Arizona State Council Knights of Columbus 2014 CHAMPION PROPOSER CHALLENGE

Arizona State Council Knights of Columbus

Sometimes, the hardest thing about recruiting is taking the first step. Recruiting a new member can be as easy as asking him to join. Amazingly, many individuals haven't joined the Knights simply because they have never been asked to join. When the opportunity arrives, take the initiative and start a conversation with a potential prospect. It’s the first step for recruiting on a one-on-one basis and can yield very positive results.

You are invited to be a Champion Proposer!

Every active member of the Knights of Columbus in Arizona is eligible to participate. All you need to do is recruit a new member, be a friend and guide to them through their application process, escort them to their 1st Degree exemplification, and help start them on their way as a successful brother Knight in our Order. You may enter the contest several times. Please use one entry for each new member you recruit.

As an incentive to be a Champion Proposer:
Þ The Supreme Council awards all Proposers 500 VIP recruitment points  for every new member they recruit into the Order. These points are redeemable for KofC merchandise through the Supreme Council Supply Department.
Þ The Arizona State Council is randomly selecting one (1) Champion Proposer Post Card Entry, for every 100 entries received by May 1, 2014. We are planning on having multiple winners! The winner(s) will be announced on May 2, 2014. The winning Champion Proposer(s) and their wife will receive a very special prize:
            2014 State Convention Champion Proposer’s Package:
¨ 2 Nights’ accommodations at the Del Sol Casino and Hotel, in Tucson Arizona on May 16 & 17, 2014
¨ Convention Registration Fees and $50.00 for travel expenses
¨ Tickets to the Friday Annual Service Awards Banquet, Saturday’s State Deputy’s Breakfast, Delegate’s Lunch and  Ladies’ Luncheon, State Deputy’s Reception, and Saturday’s Annual Banquet, plus special reserved seating & recognition
¨ Prizes are not transferrable. Winners can be Convention Delegates
Please use the 2014 CHAMPION PROPOSER CHALLENGE Entry Form to submit your entries today!
You can find the form on the Arizona State Council’s website.

For more information, please contact your District Deputy. He will be happy to assist you in your recruiting efforts!


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