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Monday, September 01, 2014

State Deputy Message - Sept 2014

September 1, 2014


Charity is a key principle of our Order. We learn about the attributes of charity early in our Knights of Columbus career and are continuously reinforced on the benefits of charity. Supreme Knight Carl Anderson says, “The method that speaks strongest of Christ is love. As Knights, we should be prepared to let charity be our measure of the new evangelization. In this way, we can truly promote ‘a charity that evangelizes.’”

Being members of the Knights of Columbus, we are called to do charity. With your strong leadership and relevant programs, your council will grow stronger with abundant membership to do the charitable acts we are called to do. Asking a man to join our Order is a charitable act in itself.

During the month of September, councils across the state of Arizona will be conducting the Persons With Intellectual Disability Drive (PWID). This is a huge act of charity that we do in your local community. I encourage you to be active in your council’s drive. It is a lot of fun meeting people and offering them a Tootsie Roll with a smile on our face. It is amazing how generous people are, even in these tough financial times. Your council has an opportunity to support the qualified charity of their choice.

Supreme is asking that every council in the Order conduct a Corporate Communion in September. This is an outward sign to the parish community that the Knights support our Church and Priests. Please invite your families to join you. Also, please wear your council shirts and name badges to show that you are unified team. You should invite your local 4th Degree assembly to serve as the Color Guard for the Mass. Please ask your Pastor to help set the stage as a meaningful and spiritual experience for your council and the congregation at Mass.

We have made a lot of great updates to our State’s website. www.azknightsofcolumbus.org   We are using this tool as the main source of information to every Knight in Arizona. Please go to the site often to keep yourself informed on the many activities happening throughout the state. Soon, we will be introducing new methods of communication, including Facebook and Twitter.

Remember that by living our State theme, “I will choose Christ, I will choose love, I choose to serve”, you and your council will exemplify our four principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. With this, your current members and your new members can be charitable in your council, Church, family, and community.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker

State Deputy


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