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Monday, February 02, 2015

2015 Charity Raffle

The Charity Raffle material was given to all District Deputies for distribution to their councils at the Mid-Winter meeting.  Charity raffle tickets posters and envelopes with a letter and manual was included for the Grand Knight, Chaplain, Raffle Chairman, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer of each council that sold tickets last year.  Councils that did not sell tickets last year were included if the Grand Knights replied to an e-mail that they want to participate this year.

Raffle Manual
Raffle Poster

The letter and manual for the chaplains is new this year. This is an option for Grand Knights that meet with their Chaplains or Parish Priest to give them their envelope as a door opener to discuss the Charity Raffle. There was a typo in the Chaplains letter.  Attached is the corrected copy.  Please fill in the name, print, and exchange with the letter that is in his envelope.  If your information did not contain the Chaplain letter it was because we did not have his name.  Send me e-mail with his name and address for our records.  I will mail you a manual and a letter for him.

If you do not have the raffle material, contact your District Deputy. 

Richard Armanini
State Charity Raffle Director
3315 E Dry Creek Road

Phoenix AZ  85044-7022


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