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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

New KofC Supreme Council Incentive for Star Council Award


As you may be aware, we have been encouraging every council in the Arizona jurisdiction to earn the prestigious Star Council Award this fraternal year. We are also encouraging every council to submit to Supreme their Columbian Award Application (SP7) by April 1, 2015. We strongly believe that every council in Arizona is deserving of these honors for the great work they are doing to strengthen their council’s membership and their programs to support our Church. The Supreme Council also believes that Star Council is the most important award a council can earn. They believe this so much that they are introducing a new incentive to encourage councils to earn the Star Council Award for the 2014-2015 fraternal year.

On February 25, 2015, the Supreme Council announced an important addition for councils who achieve the Star Council Award. If a council qualifies, at any level, for the Star Council Award in the 2014-2015 fraternal year, that council will receive a credit for the 2015-2016 fraternal year of $4.50 for each billable member on their roster as of July1, 2015.

Here is an example: If a council has 100 members on its roster on July 1, 2015, that council will receive a credit on their September 2015 Supreme Statement for $450.00 ($3.50 Per Capita and $1.00 Catholic Advertising per billable member). (Honorary life and disability waivers are examples of non-billable members.)

Please feel free to reach out to your District Deputy, Assigned State Officer, or to me for any support we can offer to you to help your council earn this award.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker


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